
Tackling Big Data on Police Use of Force

According to a review recently put out by the the Police Executive Research Forum (PERF), the Albuquerque Police Department (APD) was faced with a riddle. In recent years, violent crime and assaults on officers have been declining, training has been adapted to focus more on deescalating conflicts and avoiding physical confrontations, the department procured andRead… Read more »

Health care and social services June review

Deltek Analyst Aila Altman reports. Arkansas made great strides in the Medicaid and health information technology (HIT) arenas in June, with the release of three requests for proposals (RFPs) for the planning, development, and implementation of its Arkansas Medicaid Enterprise (AME). The state initially planned to release 23 individual RFPs, but after multiple revisions toRead… Read more »

Call for chapter proposals: Sustainable eParticipation

A message from Rolf Leuhrs from Pep-Net: “In the past 5-10 years, eParticipation has emerged as a novel theoretical and practical domain, and it will further characterize the policy agendas of most industrialized and developing countries in the near future. However, documented practice shows mixed results from eParticipation initiatives, and concerns about sustainability-related matters (theRead… Read more »

Seven Imperatives: Imperative Three: Manage through Collaboration

Over the past decade, government at all levels made much progress in building collaborative relationships. There are two areas in which government has clearly moved toward increased use of collaboration. The first is governments coming together to create ad hoc collaborative networks in response to emergency situations. The second is the creation of new networksRead… Read more »

TTC wants to charge riders for text alerts

The Toronto Transit Commission (ON) wants to start charging customers for using its next-vehicle text-messaging system. TTC proposes to charge customers 15 cents per message when the system expands from streetcars to buses this fall. Under the proposal, the first two texts within a 24-hour period would be free; customers would only pay if theyRead… Read more » – Let’s expand to New York!

In their Digital City plan New York also identifies the need for improving the RFP process. As part of their program to grow the Entrepreneur and Developer Community New York identified the following top 5 wish list from private sector technology entrepreneurs: 1. Engineering Talent 2. Broadband Connectivity 3. Real-time API of NYC Data andRead… Read more »

Project of the Week:

Name of Project: Agency: Department of Defense Contact Person: [email protected] Support Links: For TAP Counselors For Command Leadership Welcome Press Center State Transition Assistance Advisors Department of Veteran Affairs & Veterans Benefits Department of Labor & Job Seekers DD Form 2586 VMET (CAC or MyPAY PIN required) Pertinent Legislation inTransition Mental Health Coaching BriefRead… Read more »

“Hawo’s Dinner Party” Video

“Hawo’s Dinner Party” is a resource to support conversations and actions around building bridges between refugees from Muslim majority countries and receiving communities in the U.S. in the lead up to the 10th Anniversary of 9/11. This 30-minute DVD will serve as a tool for service providers, grassroots community groups and employers nationwide that areRead… Read more »

Need for Better Req’t Writing Training

Contracting folks get a lot of training… But one of the things I just don’t hear a lot about is improved requirements training. People writing Statements of Work aren’t stupid; they’re often highly intelligent. Still, I don’t hear requirements writers spouting off FAR Part 11 — Describing Agency Needs. In fact, requirements writers are oftenRead… Read more »