
HR=Humans Represent: Shall We Play A Game?

So what do you think? Would playing a game inspire you into a future career? It seems more and more employers are entering the world of gaming – so look out Farmville! Recruiters are utilizing an organization specific game in hopes of snagging their next great employee – for those job seekers who are willingRead… Read more »

Corporate contribution views, campaign finance prosecutions, and more political law links for Monday

POST EDITORIAL ON CORPORATE CONTRIBUTION CASE. Here. The Virginian-Pilot has its say here. “If Cacheris’ ruling stands – and it will certainly be challenged – corporations are now free to not just speak on behalf of their favored candidates but to drop the pretense and buy them outright.” R REDISTRICTING GAINS. The Times. MEMBERS HIRINGRead… Read more »

Lack of performance shuts down LAPD red-light cameras

Deltek Analyst Kristin Howe reports. Debate over whether or not red-light cameras are a necessary expense is seemingly never ending. One side generally takes the position that cameras are installed for the sole purpose of increasing revenue through assigning tickets based on traffic infractions. The other side insists red-light cameras can increase safety by decreasingRead… Read more »

Delaware launches bidding website

Tweet Delaware has launched a new website to make it easier for entrepreneurs, small businesses, and other employers to do business with the State of Delaware. The new website will serve as a resource for companies interested in bidding for State contracts. The Governor hopes that the site will make the bidding process easier andRead… Read more »

Delaware launches bidding website

Tweet Delaware has launched a new website to make it easier for entrepreneurs, small businesses, and other employers to do business with the State of Delaware. The new website will serve as a resource for companies interested in bidding for State contracts. The Governor hopes that the site will make the bidding process easier andRead… Read more »

What’s New in the Compliance Supplement? – Lisa Hayes

I’ve been looking at the recently released 2011 A-133 Compliance Supplement and found several items of interest (at least to me) that I thought I would pass along. OMB added a a new element to the core compliance requirements to alert auditors and program officials as to whether the reporting requirements of the Transparency ActRead… Read more »

iCloud for Government : Why, and how, Cloud Computing is so important for Canada

The purpose of our Canada Cloud Network, the market need it is setting out to address, is that Canada is suffering from an “Innovation Crisis”. Scoring a ‘D for Innovation‘, ranking 14th out of 17 countries on an innovation scale, the country is slipping downwards on a number of measurement frameworks like this, such asRead… Read more »

Guest Post: Further Greening of Government Procurement

On May 31, 2011, the government issued an interim rule that implements two key executive orders directing environmental attributes of federal procurement actions. Executive Order 13423, “Strengthening Federal Environmental, Energy, and Transportation Management,” was issued by President Bush on January 24, 2007 and set a number of different environmental goals for federal agencies related toRead… Read more »

Network Effectively At Your Next Government Contracting Event

Blog Post by: Karen-Michelle Mirko Director, Customer Advocacy, American Express OPEN Government contracting can give small businesses access to a portion of the $500 billion dollars the government spends each year on goods and services, but for most small business owners, finding a way into this market is challenging. Networking is one critical tool toRead… Read more »