
Designing Digitally, Inc. Wins 2011 Air Force Research Lab Virtual World Contract

Teaching students how to build airplanes, robots and simulations is serious business, but Designing Digitally, Inc. plans to make it a game — literally. Designing Digitally, Inc., the web-based training firm that specializes in E-learning, virtual worlds, and 3D simulations, was recently awarded a 2011 Air Force Virtual World contract from the United States AirRead… Read more »

A-133 Compliance Supplement Is Here!

Finally, the Office of Management and Budget has released the 2011 Circular A-133 audit guidance document. As usual, new programs have been added, other programs have been deleted, and individual program descriptions have been updated. In addition, OMB has added guidance and references relating to Transparency Act reporting, and clarified reporting requirements and auditors’ responsibilitiesRead… Read more »

Retain User Adoption consultants beyond the initial contract to sustain ROI.

This article was previously published on Tri Tuns blog. OBSERVATION You are responsible for ensuring end-user adoption of the IT system in your organization. To ensure this occurs, you retained consulting services unique to user adoption, such as Tri Tuns. Now that the contract is near completion, you are worried that you may see aRead… Read more »

Announcing the Government-Industry Computer Security Summit

The Government-Industry Cybersecurity Summit will be held 28 September 2011 On 28 September 2011 a small number of cyber innovators, computer security practitioners and information assurance experts will gather in an attempt to map out new paths for positive change in the cyber security dynamic. This summit seeks dramatically enhance the state of securityRead… Read more »

The Government Man and the Plain Language Act

With all of the hoopla about the Plain Language Act, the Government Man thought this would be a perfect opportunity to spread some wisdom and of course hype his own creation. In my book, Confessions of a Government Man, I devote an entire chapter to “Language of Government.” Maybe our lawmakers read it prior toRead… Read more »

Retain User Adoption consultants beyond the initial contract to sustain ROI.

This article was originally published on Tri Tuns Blog. OBSERVATION You are responsible for ensuring end-user adoption of the IT system in your organization. To ensure this occurs, you retained consulting services unique to user adoption, such as Tri Tuns. Now that the contract is near completion, you are worried that you may see aRead… Read more »

Grants news you can use…

Grant recipients (both pass-through entities and subrecipients) may want to take note of an interesting item in OMB’s recent guidance on implementation of the Improper Payments Elimination and Recovery Act (PL 111-204). OMB says that for grant programs, agencies must consider payment recapture audits at the grant recipient level. “Federal agencies should work with stateRead… Read more »

No quick fix for black market in TriMet passes

Following up on last week’s story about the black market in TriMet (OR) passes, columnist Joseph Rose answered reader questions in The Oregonian. The background: Thieves are using stolen credit cards to buy TriMet passes and sell them to make a quick buck. Answering a question about the costs of upgrading credit card security, RoseRead… Read more »

Defense Intelligence Information Enterprise Conference 6-9 June 2011

The Defense Intelligence Information Enterprise (DI2E) is an overarching construct for integrating operational intelligence capabilities in support of DoD missions. This community is closely related to the DoD Intelligence Information System (DoDIIS) community, but the focus here is more on the operational military. Here is a bit from the DI2E conference site: The first DefenseRead… Read more »

Green Facilities Renovations Beneift Walter Reed, Other Federal Buildings

Federal Times recently published an article that highlights a few nice examples of green building public-private partnerships. A few of the examples include: HVAC renovations at 32 California military commissaries replacing taxiway lights with LEDs at NASA’s Ames Research Center HVAC, system automation, solar installations, and weatherization improvements at 39 GSA-owned facilities in Texas, ArkansasRead… Read more »