
Girl walks into a Twitter conversation

This is another entirely random ‘what if?’ post. I freely admit that not the right amount of serious considered intellectual thought has gone into this. But. What if, right, we all rotated Chief Executives every few years or so? I can’t quite remember how it started and finding the conversation would be difficult, but IRead… Read more »

Recent conversations on Section 508

Recently, GSA gathered a number of people responsible for their agencies Section 508 programs, including contracting officers, to discuss how well government acquisitions were including correct language in their solicitations. The conversation shared some best practices, gave advice on avoiding “worst practices” and provided the attendees with a copy of “Guidance on Creating 508 CompliantRead… Read more »

Project of the Week: GSA’s Federal Cloud Computing Program

Government Rockstar Mary Davie has been posting Projects of the Week for some time now…but this is the first time I’ve been able to catch up with her after she started her new role as GSA’s Assistant Commissioner for the Office of Integrated Technology Services (ITS). Below is a quick Q&A that highlights GSA’s effortsRead… Read more »


Sales Professional Wanted! Must be able to fill out timely sales reports accurately! (actual recruiting ad) Increasingly we can amass formidable data on anything we want. Damn little is worth the effort involved to capture it. When I set up a new analytic, it usually falls into one of two categories, “Ooops, not useful,’ orRead… Read more »

Call For Volunteers for Better Government IT Working Group – Due April 22

On December 9, 2010 the U.S. Chief Information Officer Vivek Kundra released a “25 Point Implementation Plan to Reform Federal Information Technology Management.” Many of the points in this plan are consistent with recommendations previously made by ACT-IAC. One of these recommendations, and a major priority in the Administration’s plan, is to improve communications betweenRead… Read more »

Call For Volunteers for Better Government IT Working Group – Due April 22

On December 9, 2010 the U.S. Chief Information Officer Vivek Kundra released a “25 Point Implementation Plan to Reform Federal Information Technology Management.” Many of the points in this plan are consistent with recommendations previously made by ACT-IAC. One of these recommendations, and a major priority in the Administration’s plan, is to improve communications betweenRead… Read more »

PMF Data 2009-2011

[Update 2/12/2011: By popular request, I have also formatted this for CSV/Excel: The format is slightly different and includes is_vet, which is a field denoting whether the finalist is/was a veteran.] Here is another quick update to let you know that I have made available all of the finalists data from 2009-2011, in JavaScriptRead… Read more »

If the Government Shuts Down, Should I Go to That Conference?

Authored by Sean Tucker It’s a simple question – if the government shuts down, should I still go to an event where the speaker is a government employee? – but no one seems to have a simple answer. The Office of Personnel Management (OPM) referred us to the Office of Management and Budget (OMB). OMBRead… Read more »