
Austin City Limits: What’s Holding Back Government Innovation in Austin, Texas?

***Part of our month-long series on Creating a Digital City with PDF – Check out all our analysis*** As municipalities across the country are exploring how to use the Internet to make theirs better places to live, some winning combinations of talent, policy and technology are beginning to emerge — as are problems with otherRead… Read more »

Shutdown Delay Equals a Second Chance for Contractors

Authored by GovWin’s Lindley Ashline If you’re a government contractor, the two-week continuing resolution passed by Congress this week to temporarily prevent a government shutdown is a second chance to prepare for the consequences such a shutdown would bring. Experts at today’s Instant Webinar, “Surviving a Government Shutdown,” shared some background on how shutdownsRead… Read more »

Buy The Book: Government Contracts Made Easier

Judy Bradt brings you the secrets to winning US government contracts – whether you’re taking your first steps, or expanding your footprint in pursuit of the world’s largest buyer. Government Contracts Made Easier is loaded with resources that seasoned contractors take years to discover: * Key Concepts: Find out what successful companies master as theyRead… Read more »

Vendor Response to “Top Eight Priorities” in selecting a great tool for your telework program!

The Top Eight Priorities to Consider When Evaluating Video Conferencing Tools 1) Security – Security should be at the very core of the selection of any video conferencing system. You can easily begin your search by choosing from products that have met the strict standards set forth by NIST for FIPS 140-2, Level 1 Certification.Read… Read more »

Bundling, donor disclosure, ethics stories and some political law links

BUNDLE OF FUN. What’s expected of bundlers this cycle? Politico reports. “The campaign’s ask for bundlers: $700,000 total. Each bundler is being asked to generate a combined $350,000 in contributions to the Democratic National Committee and the re-election campaign in 2011 and 2012, a two-year plan that could provide a steady flow of cash.” IDENTIFYINGRead… Read more »

Tell Us What Do You think Will happen to Small Businesses in a Government Shut Down

In 1996 Tom Daschle called the last shut down a premeditated conspiracy to impact small businesses and shut down the economy. Today we want to know the hard facts. Perhaps there is something we can learn especially from contracting officers, and program managers about what to expect from a Government Shut down. What will aRead… Read more »

Minnesota managed care providers to return profit back to the state

Minnesota Governor Mark Dayton struck a unique agreement with health care providers in his state today. Under the terms of this agreement BlueCross BlueShield, HealthPartners, Medica, and UCare will place a voluntary 1% cap on profits for 2011 managed care contracts. The one-time cap will keep earnings at 1% of revenue and return any amountRead… Read more »