
Where Is Waldo?

George Washington University professor Kathy Newcomer likened the Obama Administration’s performance agenda to a game of “Where is Waldo?” at a Brookings Institution forum last week on improving government performance. She says “you have to look carefully” to find it. She said there was no orchestrated campaign with a band leading the way. Newcomer’s insightRead… Read more »

Missouri asks for additional rail funds for Kansas City-St. Louis line

Missouri will join the group of states lining up to get billions in newly available federal railroad funds. According to an announcement this afternoon from Missouri Governor Jay Nixon, the state will be applying for funds to improve rail lines between St. Louis and Kansas City and lay the groundwork for a dedicated high-speed railRead… Read more »

Intermodal future’s so bright, I gotta wear shades #intermodal #freight

It seems that things have never looked this good for the intermodal industry, specifically the railroads and some of the truckload carriers. The tepid economic recovery has been everything but that for them. They’ve taken the recovery by the horns, while pushing it from the rear. The industry has benefited from a double-punch of growingRead… Read more »

Department swapping for the win?

Inspired by @clarewhite who wrote about looking at parks and open spaces through different eyes and with a disclaimer that I absolutely know this can’t happen cos it’s utterly bonkers, right, but; What if we all swapped staff for a week? As in, our Communications Department upped sticks and took their rather unique combination ofRead… Read more »

Center for Future Civic Media

The Center for Future Civic Media is “developing the emerging ‘Fifth Estate’ of participatory news, media, and civic change. Civic media is any form of communication that strengthens the social bonds within a community or creates a strong sense of civic engagement among its residents. Civic media goes beyond news gathering and reporting. Learn moreRead… Read more »

Providing the Blueprints for Improved Government/Industry Communications in the Acquisition Process

As part of Federal Chief Information Officer (CIO) Vivek Kundra’s 25 point plan to improve the management of Federal IT resources, a vital component in need of attention is the poor state of communications between government and industry. Although this fact was highlighted in Office of Federal Procurement Policy (OFFP) Administrator Dan Gordon’s Mythbusters memoRead… Read more »

March 26

The London Metropolitan Police are finally learning how to play chess. After the students made them sacrifice their Queen and forced their hand enough to resort to tactics which were perhaps not appropriate for young people (kettling) it seems someone has realised that anger, frustration and unrest are unlikely to go away but only toRead… Read more »

Le Métayer et al. on Liability Issues in Software Engineering: Case Study of eSignatures

Daniel Le Métayer of INRIA Grenoble – Rhône-Alpes, and colleagues, have published Liability Issues in Software Engineering: The Use of Formal Methods to Reduce Legal Uncertainties, Communications of the ACM, 54(4), 99-106 (April 2010). Here is the abstract: This paper reports on the results of a multidisciplinary project involving lawyers and computer scientists with theRead… Read more »

SLG Business Brief: Litigation, law enforcement and lighter electricity bills

Litigious is the word this week. And human services technology is both the plaintiff and the defendant, the winner and the loser. Dell thinks its new mobile forensics solution is pretty sweet; IBM has struck yet another deal with parts of the New York City government apparatus; and there are some positive (fingers-crossed) health ITRead… Read more »