
DHS Procurement Chief Seeks Continuous Improvement

The Federal Insider For Nick Nayak, public service runs in the family. The son of a 30-year scientist at the National Institutes of Health, Nayak was recently named chief procurement officer at the Homeland Security Department. He brings a lot of experience to the job, having spent nearly two decades in a variety of postsRead… Read more »

Lobbying, the money race, complaints, and ethics in today’s political law links

AMENDED COMPLAINT AGAINST MCCASKILL. Roll Call reports. “In a conference call with reporters, Missouri Republican Party Executive Director Lloyd Smith said the state party would file an amended complaint to the Senate Ethics Committee, asking the panel to review McCaskill’s use of the plane for two political events.” THIRD TRIAL FOR KEVIN RING. Roll Call.Read… Read more »

YGL Govies Gettin Dirty for a Good Cause

GETTING DIRTY – MEET THE TEAM Four of Young Government Leaders’ members are planning on getting down and dirty next month to benefit a good cause. Trust us, by down and dirty, we’re talking junk yards, mud, slop, old tires, and raging rivers. Sound disgusting…these YGL members didn’t think so…they thought it sounded like fun!!Read… Read more »

The Federal Coach: Waiting for the Federal Budget

Although we have yet again avoided a government shutdown for at least three more weeks with the passage of the latest short-term appropriations bill for fiscal 2011, the operating conditions created by the continual funding uncertainties are taking a toll on federal agencies. As a federal leader, you’re already doing more with less. Perhaps youRead… Read more »

SOS: Can Consolidation for Fiscal Efficiency Lead to Bigger Risks?

I will be brief in my plea for help on my current working project. I am making an argument in a paper that although consolidation of programs and streamlining processes might lead to fiscal efficiencies, these state and local policy efforts may also be promoting hidden fragilities and greater risks that might result in futureRead… Read more »

CU, Koch, Casino Jack, and commission appointments in today’s political law links

CANDIDATE LOAN STORY. In Roll Call this morning. “Members of Congress have discovered another way to err on their annual financial disclosure reports.” KOCH AND POMPEO. The Post reports. “When Mike Pompeo needed funding for a Wichita aerospace company, one of the places he and his partners went for help was Koch Industries, a hometownRead… Read more »

Let Sellers Talk to Buyers Early in Procurement

This piece was originally published for Bloomberg Government on 03/11/2011. The Obama White House announced plans in December to transform the way federal information technology projects are managed and executed. Its 25-point implementation instructions to federal agencies include many good ideas, from the adoption of light technologies and shared services to aligning the budget andRead… Read more »