
SLG Business Brief: Litigation, law enforcement and lighter electricity bills

Litigious is the word this week. And human services technology is both the plaintiff and the defendant, the winner and the loser. Dell thinks its new mobile forensics solution is pretty sweet; IBM has struck yet another deal with parts of the New York City government apparatus; and there are some positive (fingers-crossed) health ITRead… Read more »

Minnesota Gov. orders changes to state health care, institutes competitive bidding

Minnesota Governor Mark Dayton has instituted competitive bidding for providers of state health care according to a a new Executive Order issued yesterday. The Order further requires that providers fully disclose their profits, reserves and administrative expenses. According to the Governor, Minnesota’s history of uncompetitive contracts has resulted in high-cost managed care plans that aren’tRead… Read more »

Minnesota Gov. orders changes to state health care, institutes competitive bidding

Minnesota Governor Mark Dayton has instituted competitive bidding for providers of state health care according to a a new Executive Order issued yesterday. The Order further requires that providers fully disclose their profits, reserves and administrative expenses. According to the Governor, Minnesota’s history of uncompetitive contracts has resulted in high-cost managed care plans that aren’tRead… Read more »

GPRA Mod: A Flurry of Activity

Obama signed the GPRA Modernization Act in January. While OMB has yet to issue any formal guidance to agencies on what they should do, there has been a flurry of conferences, forums, and seminars that have focused on the new law’s meaning and intent. In the past month, I’ve participated in more than a halfRead… Read more »

Tech and recalls, Waters and ethics, transparency transparency and more political law links for Thursday

TECHNOLOGY AND THE GROWTH OF RECALLS. Blog post here. (I added the new and exciting Recall Elections Blog to my ever-growing list of links to your right.) IT’S MILLER TIME FOR PAC. Roll Call reports that Alaska’s Joe Miller will chair a PAC. WATERS AND ETHICS. The Hill reports. “Public interest groups on Wednesday askedRead… Read more »

GSA Working to Improve the Sustainability of Buildings

As a part of America’s economic recovery the General Services Administration (GSA) has been investing in sustainable, innovative technologies. For the last year under Martha N. Johnson’s new leadership GSA has supported sustainable industries including green buildings. Federal buildings are being made green by modernizing them both externally and internally and equipping them with theRead… Read more »

DHS Procurement Chief Seeks Continuous Improvement

The Federal Insider For Nick Nayak, public service runs in the family. The son of a 30-year scientist at the National Institutes of Health, Nayak was recently named chief procurement officer at the Homeland Security Department. He brings a lot of experience to the job, having spent nearly two decades in a variety of postsRead… Read more »

Lobbying, the money race, complaints, and ethics in today’s political law links

AMENDED COMPLAINT AGAINST MCCASKILL. Roll Call reports. “In a conference call with reporters, Missouri Republican Party Executive Director Lloyd Smith said the state party would file an amended complaint to the Senate Ethics Committee, asking the panel to review McCaskill’s use of the plane for two political events.” THIRD TRIAL FOR KEVIN RING. Roll Call.Read… Read more »

YGL Govies Gettin Dirty for a Good Cause

GETTING DIRTY – MEET THE TEAM Four of Young Government Leaders’ members are planning on getting down and dirty next month to benefit a good cause. Trust us, by down and dirty, we’re talking junk yards, mud, slop, old tires, and raging rivers. Sound disgusting…these YGL members didn’t think so…they thought it sounded like fun!!Read… Read more »