
The Government Man and the X-Rated Art

It is time for another blog from The Government Man, but first, a few announcements. I have been honored with an invite to present some wisdom and insights at the Federal Senior Management Conference in Cambridge, MD April 10-13th. I hope to see some of you there. Also, I have succumbed to technology and myRead… Read more »

Complications of Recipient Identifiers in Government Databases

In her recent testimony before the House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform, Ellen Miller, executive director of the Sunlight Foundation, suggested that the U.S. government must establish system-wide identifiers in national database systems. Such identifiers would be “like checks in a checkbook…different databases tracking the same information will have the same data, like whenRead… Read more »

Widespread errors hinder Obama’s open gov initiative

NCDD member Cindy Gibson sent me this fascinating article from this afternoon, and I thought those of you following Open Gov would be interested… Widespread errors hinder Obama administration’s open government initiative by William Matthews, 03/14/2011, There are two sides to the Obama administration’s push for open government: On the positive side: ARead… Read more »

Recent Act Protects Sub-Contractors When Getting Paid For Work

On September 27, 2010, President Obama signed into law the Small Business Jobs and Credit Act of 2010 (SBJCA), which created a new rule which will hopefully provide some needed relief for those subcontractors who only receive partial or untimely payments from their less than reliable prime contractor teaming partners. As discussed below, the SBJCARead… Read more »

SBA’s new 8(m) Women Owned Small Business Program!

As of February 4, 2011, women-owned small businesses (WOSB) can begin taking steps towards participating in a new federal contracting program that is aimed at expanding their federal contracting opportunities. Back in 2000, a study found that WOSBs were receiving merely 2.3% of the $200 billion federal contracts awarded annually—a far cry from the 5%Read… Read more »

Lobby fees in SC, Holman on FEC, Alaska guilty plea and more political law links today

HOLMAN ON THE FEC. In Roll Call. “After April, all but one of the six commissioners on the Federal Election Commission will be sitting with expired terms. Half the commission had their terms expire two years ago.” SUNLIGHT FOUNDATION EVENT ON LOBBYING REFORMS. I enjoyed listening to yesterday’s lobbying reform event on the Hill withRead… Read more »

Blogging for Higher Sales

If the success of your business, not-for-profit, or government agency rests upon how well you sell your ideas, products or services and you’re not currently blogging, you may want to reconsider. You may be selling yourself short by overlooking this influential medium. Technorati, the leading blog search engine and directory, recently released its annual “StateRead… Read more »

Impacts of the Japan Earthquake and Tsunami on Government Contracting

Authored by GovWin’s Sean Tucker The earthquake and tsunami that hit the Northeast coast of Japan on Friday have created a humanitarian crisis of global proportions. It touches everything, including the government contracting industry. U.S. contractors are struggling to contact Japanese employees and partners, and are mobilizing to help in any way they can. Employees,Read… Read more »