
Public Sector IT and the Winter at Valley Forge

One of the most well-known narratives of the American Revolutionary War is the harsh winter suffered by General George Washington and his colonial soldiers at Valley Forge, Pennsylvania. Troops were under-supplied, their uniforms were threadbare, and many suffered illness and disease from the brutal conditions. However, the American colonies generally were not starved for resources.Read… Read more »

Bidding On Government Contracts – Show Them The Money

One of the complaints small businesses make is Government agencies stick to bigger vendors and don’t try out new smaller companies. The reason for this, contract officers don’t like problems. If a contract gets awarded to a small vendor who proceeds to mess up the work, it means a headache and more work for theRead… Read more »

This is Govable: The U.S. Air Force Small Business Website

Get ready for another installment of This is Govable, a series that will highlight positive government examples of improved collaboration through technology and design. Today’s example that I’d like to share with you is the U.S. Air Force Small Business website*. (Background information provided by Tim Dzyacky): The U.S. Air Force Small Business program hasRead… Read more »

Improvements made to E-Verify

If you’re a Government Contractor chances are you’ve heard a thing or two about the E-Verify Program. For many of our clients, this system is among one of the very first they are introduced to upon GSA Schedule contract award. Utilized by over 230,000 employers, the E-Verify Program is an online system operated by theRead… Read more »

Can’t I just Email Them? Why User Adoption Cannot Occur Remotely.

This article was originally published on Tri Tuns Blog. OBSERVATION Do you remember when there was no email system? When you had only two choices of either meeting by phone or in person to conduct business? As amazing as technology is – along with its conveniences – it also has the potential to take awayRead… Read more »

Implications and Consequences of a Government Shutdown-A White Paper and Audio Seminar by Eric S. Crusius, Esq.

The federal government will run out of funds to operate on March 4, 2011. After that date, without a budget passed by Congress and signed into law by the President or another continuing resolution, much of the federal government will shut down. For government contractors, the implications and consequences of a shutdown are largely unknownRead… Read more »

SLG Business Brief: Health IT and happiness

This week, HIMSS11 took place in Orlando, Florida. The state and local government market was atwitter with health IT, electronic health records, health information exchanges and one thing many vendors interested in the health insurance market will be watching is an announcement today by HHS’s consumer information and insurance head, Steve Larsen. Today is theRead… Read more »