
What do you think?

We value feedback on your experience with the CG-LIMS Acquisition Strategy wiki at When we established the wiki, we committed to assessing its usefulness after three months. Your input is an important part of deciding what to do with the wiki after 9 February 2011. Your feedback is also valuable for the group workingRead… Read more »

Australia Forum

The “Australia Forum”, is a proposal from the Canberra Business Council for a venue in Canberra for meetings, dialogue, cultural events and occasions of national importance. There is a Scoping Study available for the project. This complements the Austrlaian National University’s “Australian Centre for Dialogue Project”. There is a Vision and Mission Statement (PDF) andRead… Read more »

Communications Are Vital to Improving Acquisitions

Two opposing views have emerged this week regarding communications with industry. According to Sen McCaskill (D-MO), chairwoman of the Senate Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee’s Contracting Oversight Subcommittee, the current relationship has apparently clouded the judgment of contracting officials to the point where objectivity has been compromised in contract award decisions. During a recentRead… Read more »

Australia Forum

The “Australia Forum”, is a proposal from the Canberra Business Council for a venue in Canberra for meetings, dialogue, cultural events, and occasions of national importance. There is a Scoping Study avialable for the project. This complements the Austrlaian National University’s “Austrlaian Centre for Dialogue Project”. There is a Vision and Mission Statement (PDF) andRead… Read more »

Re-Assessing Green Building Performance

The GSA recently released a report called Re-Assessing Green Building Performance. In it, the GSA looks at sustainably designed buildings and find that they use less energy and water, cost less to maintain, and have occupants that are satisfied when compared to typical buildings. We’ve posted the report over on the CEIL site, so thatRead… Read more »

Interpretation Week – Finishing CON 090

Week 4 is different. We can find just about anything in the FAR by this time; however, week 4 is about interpreting different FAR and DFARS clauses given confusing scenarios dealing with contract administration. The class is almost always divided in its answer and you’re right 25-50% of the time. This is still somewhat hardRead… Read more »

How to Succeed as a Proposal Consultant

How to Succeed as a Proposal Consultant: Get More Work, Higher Pay, and Better Clients ( webinar series start on February 8th, 2011. This is a three-class webinar series on how to succeed as a consultant in the proposal field: capture management, proposal management and coordination, proposal writing, graphics, desktop publishing, editing, orals coaching, andRead… Read more »