
Wiki support from the top

(cross posted on CG-LIMS Project Blog in Intelink-U) Support from the top of the DHS Procurement organization that is. Today’s post will be a repeat for some of you who heard this at the last staff meeting, but it’s important enough that I want to make sure everyone gets the message. Short version: The newRead… Read more »

Democracy Communications Network

The “Democracy Communications Network” was a 2007-2009 project centered around an informal group of leaders (listed below) who agreed to periodically write letters to the editor, blog posts, and other media pieces as part of larger, collaborative campaigns that raise awareness of the importance of quality public engagement. Use the “Democracy Communications Network” tag toRead… Read more »

List of Federal-friendly Social Media Sites Keeps Growing

Did you know that there are now more than 40 no-cost social media providers with Terms of Service agreements for use by federal agencies? This means federal agencies can use these sites without having to negotiate federal-friendly Terms of Service (TOS). While this doesn’t mean that just anyone can just sign-up for WordPress and startRead… Read more »

Contractor Background Checks: Supreme Court Ruling’s Impact

Last week, the Supreme Court ruled unanimously in NASA v. Nelson [PDF] that the federal government can perform background checks on contractors as well as government employees. A group of employees at the NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL) brought suit against the agency in 2007 after they were given the choice of undergoing a backgroundRead… Read more »

Lessons for Every Gov Communicator in Obama’s State of the Union

By Ev Chasen Jan 26 2011, 12:01 AM The State of the Union address is a speech like no other. Every word is scrutinized for hidden meanings; every gesture and inflection analyzed for authenticity; every fact checked for accuracy by hundreds of reporters hoping to score “gotcha” points. Getting a proposal or a project discussedRead… Read more »

Weekly Tip – Collision Checklist

Traffic collisions can be stressful and confusing. Take the time to be prepared ahead of time so that collecting information accurately and completely will be easy. Check with your insurance agent or a local body shop, sometimes they will supply you with a pre-printed check list that you can keep in your glove box. AnotherRead… Read more »

Smartphone Payments = Future Changes to Micropurchase Payments?

Update: Half of the post was cut off for an unknown reason. That has been fixed and the entire post is present. Fun Stats in a Chart An interesting chart was shown yesterday morning on (The link is at the bottom so you’ll keep reading.) An chart yesterday shown on (the link isRead… Read more »

CON 090 Week 3

I’m happy with passing…as is everyone else. That’s because this class is ridiculously hard and its pass/fail. There is no honors program for CON 90, only those that pass and fail at the 80% line. That’s good because it makes us work hard. Hard standards bring good work. That’s the case here. Oh and I’veRead… Read more »