
US Trade Agreements Act of 1979

In this month’s blog, I wanted to start out the new year talking about the US Trade Agreements Act of 1979 (“TAA”). Yes, the TAA (19 U.S.C. § 2501 et seq) continues to be one of the main pain points of GSA and USG contractors and at the same time, one of the most confusingRead… Read more »

Defining Total Cost of Ownership of Government Software – Part I: The “T”

IT purchasing decisions in government have gotten complicated over the last five years. There are more factors that need to be considered than ever. To me, that’s perfectly fine as long as we evaluate the factors correctly. After all, we are asked to invest significant public dollars in our choices, and I want that listRead… Read more »

Raising the Bar on the Procurement Profession

Rick Grimm, CPPO, CPPB, Executive Vice President/ CEO of the National Institute of Governmental Purchasing; Marcheta E. Gillespie, CPPO, C.P.M., CPPB, CPM, Deputy Director for the City of Tucson’s Department of Procurement; and Tom Sadowski, former Director of Accounting for the State of Missouri and the University of Missouri, Association of Government Accountants (AGA), discussRead… Read more »

Weekly Tip – “CHEATERS”

Most of us pay our registration fees to the State so that we can legally driver our vehicles on the street. Some even pay fees for off-road vehicles used in our deserts and mountains. The majority of residents pay their share on time and in accordance with the law. However, it is not uncommon toRead… Read more »

Future Innovations Impacting Contract Specialists

Just reading these interviews shows you the Internet is evolving. And as the Internet evolves, so will contract specialists. See, we’re partly paid to be walking-talking-regulation-spouting machines, meaning we understand the Federal Acquisition Regulation and its several-bazillion supplements. And as much as the Internet has impacted contract specialists, more changes are coming. Mobile FARing FARSiteRead… Read more »

A Budding Bromance???

Great column in last Sunday’s Beaver County Times about my efforts to make sure some of my colleagues are being held accountable for their campaign promises. Here’s the pertinent part: Crusher takes on Boy Wonder in mansion battle By: J.D. ProseBeaver County Times Fortunately for us, Democratic state Rep. Jesse “Crusher” White didn’t resolve toRead… Read more »

Call for Papers: IDP 2011

A call for papers — with submission deadline of 18 February 2011 — has been issued for IDP 2011: The 7th International Conference on Internet, Law, and Politics, to be held 11-12 July 2011, at Universitat Oberta de Catalunya Estudis de Dret i Ciència Política, in Barcelona, Catalunya, Spain. Papers are invited on the followingRead… Read more »

Possible Explosive Device Rendered Safe by Bomb Squad

Incident: Homemade Explosive Device Date and Time of Release: January 14, 2011 / 1:30 pm At about 10:00 am on Friday morning, 01/14/11, Arcadia Police Officers were called to Foothills Middle School, 171 E. Sycamore in Arcadia, regarding a suspicious person on the campus who tried to open up several classrooms. The reporting party sawRead… Read more »