
63 People on GovLoop You Should Know

Originally posted to the ChatterBachs blog: 63 people on GovLoop you should know I have selected 63 people on GovLoop you should know. All are engaged to some extent on GovLoop, the Social Network for Government. They are from both the public and private sectors, on the state, local, and federal levels. Most are inRead… Read more »

GPRA Mod Act of 2010 Explained: #2

The new law revises agency strategic planning requirements under the Government Performance and Results Act of 1993 (GPRA) by changing when they are prepared to align with presidential terms of office, requires greater cross-agency alignment of goals and programs, and details the congressional consultation process in the development of the plans. Agency Strategic Plans. AccordingRead… Read more »

GPRA Modernization Act of 2010 Explained: # 1

This post is the first in a series on the recently-passed GPRA Modernization Act of 2010. The bill is 19 pages long and the media has not provided the level of detail that a performance wonk might find helpful. So I’ll be providing summaries and extracts from law and the Senate committee report over theRead… Read more »

Project of the Week: USAID Student Intern Programs – 4 January 2011

USAID (United States Agency for International Development) Most of us on GovLoop are a) employed and b) educated, but we all have children or know children who can benefit from the USAID’s Intern Program. Applications for “paid” programs preclude a security clearance – check with the USAID to determine if the window of opportunity isRead… Read more »

CON 090 Weekly Review: The First Day

Several weeks ago I mentioned I was going into CON 090: Federal Acquisition Regulation Fundamentals at DAU. I just completed my first day. Here are my first impressions: It will be a long, arduous course. (One person with 20+ years experience barely passed it last year). The instructors take the mission of the course veryRead… Read more »

How can we play our way to better government?

You may or may not have seen game designer Jane McGonigal’s TED talk, which lofts the idea that video games may actually be one of our paths to saving the world. Her argument is based in part on the feeling gamers typically experience–that is, confidence that they can succeed, patience when they don’t, and determinationRead… Read more »

Protests Will Continue the Upward Trend in 2011

As 2010 is now officially in the books, one issue that we can expect to continue its trend in 2011 is contract protests. An interesting piece in the November-December 2011 Defense AT&L magazine discussed this issue, and illustrates the realities of the federal contracting environment. Mainly, budgets are tightening, competition for those shrinking dollars isRead… Read more »

The “Traps” to Successful Implementation

A guide to avoiding these five traps, and successfully implementing public initiatives. by Russ Linden Implementation… is, ultimately, what government is all about,” wrote Gordon Chase, a civil servant, in How to Manage in the Public Sector. But implementing programs is filled with speed bumps and landmines. How does one negotiate them successfully? Authors BillRead… Read more »

Operations Managers – what is your opinion of Human Resources within your Gov. Contracting firm?

I have a question I’d like to ask: As a Operations Manager in a Government Contracting firm, what – in your viewpoint – is missing from Human Resources? What elements of Human Resources does a HR Practitioner needs to know about ‘the rest of the company’ and the departments or elements within a government contractingRead… Read more »