
Give Them What They Need! Are You Reaching Your Audience?

‘Your speak with individuals; you sell to organizations; and you live by referrals’ – a friend noted in a recent conversation about professional service firms. Are we meeting the needs of each of these functions in our communications with clients and prospects. ? I’d say yes when meetings were face-to-face and we were a primaryRead… Read more »

FedInsider: Dueling Books Reflect Procurement Experts’ Personalities

Dueling Books Reflect Procurement Experts’ Personalities Self-published books used to be the domain of the mediocre and the desperate. Mostly they were low-rent affairs, cheaply produced. They served pretty much the vanity of their publishers, and looked it. No more. Nowadays would-be authors have an astonishing variety of online social tools to spread the wordRead… Read more »

Your next steps for REBOOT

(cross posted on CG-LIMS Project Blog in Intelink-U) Today I want to quickly give you an update on the work of the REconsider Best OptiOns Team (REBOOT) study and tell you specifically how you can help. As we executed our current strategy, we saw it grow to big, too risky, and too costly. We startedRead… Read more »

For a View of 2011, Watch These People

FedinsiderTrying to change the government is like running up a hill that gradually gets steeper. The going gets more difficult and eventually you tire out. Two years since President Obama was inaugurated, his team managing the government itself has been stable. And it enters 2011 still having pretty good momentum. The one big change wasRead… Read more »

Holiday 2010 Greetings from the OST Global Solutions team

Time for joy and celebration! Happy Holidays! Although proposal industry with its crazy deadlines doesn’t always make it possible, we wish you more time with those you love in the coming New Year! Please enjoy our video with Holiday Greetings from the OST Global Solutions team: (if clicking the link doesn’t work, you canRead… Read more »

The number one story in the GovCon space is….

Based on a govWin community poll, the following has been determined as the biggest GovCon story of 2010: GovCon Story of 2010: The Suspension of GTSI SummaryThough the cuts to Defense Department funding is a close second, the shock of GTSI’s suspension by the Small Business Administration from receiving new procurement work on October 1stRead… Read more »

Urgent — Who should I call? I need A Federal Agency Video Telconferencing Hero

I’m researching a series of articles for Federal NewsRadio on federal agencies experiences with video teleconferencing – who’s doing cool stuff, who’s got challenges, who are the leaders… (continuation of the articles at I’m on deadline but have a few days to go, and would desperately like to chat with you, if only briefly,Read… Read more »

When the Government Man Violated the Rules

It is time again for another blog., At the risk of being a bit repetitious, I am a retired Senior Executive (GSA) and the author of a recently published book, Confessions of a Government Man: How to Succeed in Any Bureaucracy. It’s holiday time so this blog will be short. The anecdote was cut fromRead… Read more »