
Reverse Auctions: A Tool to Realize Real Cost Savings

As Government continues to leverage its buying power through continued fiscal pressures, one process that is not getting enough attention is the use of reverse auctions. Reverse auctions are an effective and efficient means of realizing large savings on purchases of not only commodities, but highly defined services as well. Although current initiatives exist suchRead… Read more »

Open Source, Open Government: EchoDitto and the Federal World

We have good news! EchoDitto is now a GSA-approved federal contractor in the United States. What does this mean? EchoDitto now flies black helicopters in Iraq? In layman’s, non-governmentalese, being on the GSA schedule means that we are now eligible to work with the federal government — agencies, departments, and all governmental entities. This isRead… Read more »

A Good Lesson on How NOT to Treat Buyers

A very detailed and relevant piece by the Spend Matters folks: Ariba StartSourcing and StartContracts, two new configurations of popular Ariba products and the illusion of their introductory pricing. And for the procurement market no less…

Wounded Warrior Project – What is it?

by Donna L. Quesinberry Wounded Warrior Examiner Since Operations Enduring and Iraqi Freedom began in 2003, tens of thousands of our service men and women have succumbed to battlefield wounds and are returning home with life-altering injuries. In collaboration with the USO, wants your help to say “thanks” to our nation’s Wounded Warriors. ReadRead… Read more »

The White House Wants You, Esteemed Experts!

The White House has been busy the last couple weeks, marking the first anniversary of the Open Government Directive with a live Q&A session, releasing a 25-Point Federal CIO Implementation Plan, and posting an ExpertNet RFI. We also shared a great analysis of the Open Government Initiative by Ph.D. candidate Angela Newell. This week, weRead… Read more »

It was a dark and stormy night…

Last weekend, I took my 6-year-old daughter, Julia, to her first ever gymnastics tournament, despite a grueling proposal schedule. No matter what, I didn’t want to miss a chance to share her memorable first experience. But as with life, there were a few unexpected bumps in the road. The Tournament took place about 6 hoursRead… Read more »

Ask the GovExpert: Procurement Is NOT Monkeys Punching Out Purchase Orders

GovLoop is excited to bring you a new series we’re calling “Ask the GovExpert.” We’d like to bring new voices to the community, introducing you to people who are at the top of their fields. We kick off our inaugural interview with Shannon Wampler, a Senior Supply Diversity Coordinator at the University of Virginia. InRead… Read more »

Federal procurement update

At last Thursday’s Bisnow Federal Procurement Update Dan Gordon, Administrator for Federal Procurement Policy with OMB and Steve Schooner, Co-director of the Government Procurement Law Program at George Washington University, discussed federal procurement and how it needs to change in the current budget environment. Increase in procurement dollars Beginning in 2001 government procurement figures soaredRead… Read more »

Acquisition Reforms Will Focus on Oversight

As the lame duck session of the 111th Congress comes to a close, some in the acquisition community are left to wonder what lays ahead for the acquisition reform initiatives of the Obama Administration. According to many experts, the shift in political power may not make much difference for the IT and procurement communities. IRead… Read more »