
Fallen soldiers of the DC region fall victim to treasonous activities

Fallen soldiers of the DC region fall victim to treasonous activities by Donna L. Quesinberry Lance Corporeal Terry E. Honeycutt, Jr. (LCPL Terry E. Honeycutt) of Waldorf, Maryland died 27 October 2010 from combat wounds while serving our nation (United States of America) in Helmand Province, Afghanistan. He was assigned to 2nd Battalion, 9th MarineRead… Read more »

Project of the Week: Casa Pronta (One-Stop Shop for Housing Help) On the spot house (or in portuguese «Casa Pronta») is a public service which allows to perform all the necessary formalities for the purchase and sale of home (buildings), with or without a mortgadge, the transfer of a bank loans to purchase house and other housing contracts, in a single window service. Buying aRead… Read more »

If you plan to launch a Government website in 2011 – You should attend…

Drupal continues to gain considerable momentum for large scale .GOV, .MIL and .ORG websites over the past 12 months with high profile launches such as Whitehouse.Gov, Commerce.Gov, Ed.Gov, – and many others that are not necessarily public knowledge yet. Come learn this Thursday at the Ritz Carlton in Washington how other business leaders areRead… Read more »

The Government Man Confessess – Again

It is Monday morning and time again for another blog, based on my recently published book, Confessions of a Government Man: How to Succeed in Any Bureaucracy. My memoirs of my GSA career are probably not as newsworthy as those recently published by George Bush, but they’re a lot funnier. My last blog had toRead… Read more »

Help from everywhere

(cross posted on CG-LIMS Project Blog on Intelink-U) This week we’re going to inviting industry (and anyone!) to participate in a forum where we will: Share as much as we can to help industry help us deliver CG-LIMS Solicit input on acquisition strategy Provide a public forum for Questions and Answers We’ll do all threeRead… Read more »

How does GSA fail?

According to Ms. Martha Johnson, the Administrator of the General Services Administration, they try to fail fast, fail forward, and fail fruitfully. Ms. Johnson was the keynote speaker for the second day of the Coast Guard’s 10th annual “Innovation Expo” in Tampa, Florida earlier this month. I couldn’t attend, but I watched the streaming videoRead… Read more »

Keystrokes for Social Sites send handwritten season greetings to military service members

The Veteran’s Day Parade in New York City that took place this a.m. was especially moving this year. Korean War Veterans were featured. My father (to the left) served in the Korean War. Though he passed 12 October 2003, my daddy was a stalwart man who served the USAF (United States Air Force) for twentyRead… Read more »

Honoring our Veterans

This is a heartfelt ‘Thank You’ to our Veterans for the sacrifices you have made. You have been away from your loved ones in foreign lands; you have endured hostile environments; you have mourned the loss of your friends; and you have risked your lives and possibly suffered wounds that may never completely heal… YouRead… Read more »

WEBINAR ON TBC METHOD: A Public-Private Partnerships Initiative (Earn 1 CLP) for just $25

Government leaders, managers, employees and industry….don’t miss this chance to learn about the HOTEST Public Private Partnership method around…. the TBC method. The Acquisition Institute Inc., is hosting on 1 December 2010 at 1pm EST, a WEBINAR for just $25. As many people that can crowd in a conference to hear about TBC or whatRead… Read more »

Clouds Gather over Federal IT

www.fedinsider.comA positive outlook is enveloping cloud computing. Not only has GSA awarded 11 contracts for infrastructure as a service (IaaS), but other companies are jumping in with cloud services of their own. For the GSA offering, the real strength lies in the fact that GSA will complete certification and accreditation (C&A) under Federal Information SecurityRead… Read more »