
(More) Confessions of a Government Man

Welcome to another blog. I am a retired Senior Executive (GSA) and the author of a recently published book, Confessions of a Government Man: How to Succeed in Any Bureaucracy. This post is another book excerpt, abbreviated and cleaned up for family entertainment. It deals with attorneys. It is not my intention to bash theRead… Read more »

On the streets of Cairo..ladies will soon be able to report sexual harassment instantly!

In Egypt where increasingly women face undesirable attention from men , HarrasMap is a an independent community watch project, planned to launch in the coming few weeks, it will enable women to report harassment instantly by sending a text message to a centralised system, the reported incidents are used to build a detailed, public mapRead… Read more »

The New Government Pest!

Don’t Let the Bedbugs Bite if You Work in the USAID Tower of The Reagan building!! Heard that in an office suite in the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID) tower of the Reagan Building, that they battled bedbugs this morning! Evidently USAID employees were told in an e-mail that they hadn’t received reports ofRead… Read more »

Use Factoring To Finance Your Government Contracts

You may be unfamiliar with the term “factoring.” It is a commercial financing transaction where you can leverage finished work to gain badly needed working capital to grow the company and pay bills. Also known as Invoice Factoring, the benefit is in the simplicity of its mechanics. A company does work for their customer andRead… Read more »

Dear Mom and Dad: Having Fun at Camp CFC

Dear Mom and Dad, I am having a “Wonderful Time” at Camp CFC! The counselors are nice…and the food is “great”! This is the “best adventure” that I’ve had in a long time! We are all having an “awesome” time!!! I like everybody…and everybody likes me!!! All of us have been placed on “teams”…there isRead… Read more »

The Alternative Bid – Dillemma or not?

An interesting article from a construction industry magazine is quoted below. It’s a tricky subject for govenment agencies. As a consultant who provides software solutions to manage these types of public bid issues, i’m interested in your experience and opinion with this issue. Thanks. ———————-article—————————- Alternative Bidding: Wise Budget Management or Manipulation? Alternative bidding isRead… Read more »

Let’s Work on Columbus Day

*********************************************** Not Yet a Member? JOIN GOVLOOP!(It’s free and takes 30 seconds) ************************************************ If we were analyzing federal holidays in a Six Sigma class, we’d cross off Columbus Day right away. How can the federal government get more bang for its buck? Well, easy…let’s work on Columbus Day. Does this mean eliminating a national holiday?Read… Read more »