
Contract Specialists in Hawaii

NAVFAC Pacific located in Pearl Harbor, HI is seeking Contract Specialists (GS-1102-12) to serve in the Services Contracts Division. The NAVFAC Pacific Services Contracts Division provides contract vehicles for Base Operating Support, DoD utility contracts (water, wastewater, electric and natural gas) and contract vehicles that can be utilized by all NAVFAC offices: Global Contingency ServicesRead… Read more »

Will the Obama Administration Take on Contractor Corruption?

Now is the perfect time for the Obama administration to tackle the problem of government contractor corruption. Local government agencies are strapped for cash and small businesses are suffering in all sectors, making fraud and waste politically intolerable. Anti-corruption actions would bolster support for the administration among business owners and improve confidence in government amongRead… Read more »

Evaluation Factors for Sole-Source Negotiations – Any Purpose?

Ok, so those familiar with the Uniform Contract Format (UCF) know Section M is used for listing evaluation factors. I’ve only heard Section M being used for competitive proposals. However, my agency does a lot of sole sourcing. (There aren’t too many people competing to build subs). Here’s my question: Are there any advantages toRead… Read more »

Re-Thinking Performance Metrics in Federal Agencies

In a Federal News Radio conversation with reporter Francis Rose and two other guests – Robert Shea, a former OMB executive, and Jon Desenberg, with the Performance Institute – we talked about the Obama Administration’s performance initiatives to date, and the potential implications for agency efforts to measure performance. Shea said “people miss some ofRead… Read more »

Significant Talk: Streamlined Acquisitions

Andy K recently posted a discussion called Streamlined Acquisition: Is Faster Really Better?. Andy asks good questions about speed as well as acquisition apps. There are different perspectives and I’ve found the talk really engaging. I really recommend you check it out.

Cloud Computing–How High Should Government Fly?

The information technology industry has fallen head over heels when it comes to cloud computing. Many analysts have weighed in on the inevitability of shutting down your outdated server room and shifting to services that are hosted on the Internet at a remote data center. It’s hard to argue against the cloud computing trend, especiallyRead… Read more »

Online school absentee tracking

Our Public Health Unit is looking at initiating an online school absenteeism tracking system next month. Each school in our catchment area would be asked to submit a daily report of the number of students who are absent (including those both due to illness and those due to other reasons). Area schools are willing toRead… Read more »

Weekly Research and best Practices

Research 1. Better web search needed on government sites (07/26/2010) – 2010 Harris Interactive study (pdf), finds citizens struggle to find what they need on government websites. 7 out of 10 surveyed believe search functionality on government websites need to be improved. 2. Web 2.0 risks and rewards (07/22/2010) –GAO identified 22 of 24Read… Read more »

The Ethics of Public Participation

This post was originally published on the Intellitics blog on Thursday, August 5, 2010: The Ethics of Public Participation. Subscribe to our blog via RSS or follow us on Twitter. It seems the topic of ethics and integrity in public participation is coming up more often these days (see my comments here, here). Just forRead… Read more »

Federal Agencies and how do they address Gender Transition in the workplace?

In my Agency, USDA , we are looking to develop an Agency wide policy to address individuals that are experiencing transgender reassignments and the impacts within in the Federal Workplace. I would like to open a dialog with representative of other Federal agencies as to their existing policies and the success of such policies. TheRead… Read more »