
Transparency in Contracting: The Presentation

Couldn’t help my nerdiness — I had to insert “The Presentation” as a subtitle. It reminded me of Power Rangers: The Movie. It’s just too great to not include. Anyways, here’s an updated version of a presentation I gave the other week to the NCMA NOVA Chapter. Wonderful group of folks by the way. TransparencyRead… Read more »

Online Video Asset Management Whitepaper

“Don’t Let Video Assets Become a Liability” Your web audience prefers video as an information resource. Your public affairs and training departments want to post more and more videos, while making sure that viewers can easily navigate to their subject matter preference. You need to manage a seemingly unmanageable library of video assets that isRead… Read more »

LOLCat FAR Translation Project – Are You Interested?

Kathy Sierra’s recent talk on Creating Passionate Citizens at the Gov 2.0 Expo pointed out something hilarious — the LOLCat Bible Translation Project. This talk was also brilliant because it pointed out: When you connect something people are passionate about (LOLCat Speak) with something people aren’t passionate about (the Bible), the passion can transfer overRead… Read more »

To Restore Public Distrust-Increase Insourcing.

The very notion of Insourcing which is defined by hiring more government employees versus government procuring these services from government contractors at this time is a sign of a very disconnected government. We at Open Government TV have watched too much hard work from the White House, to Agency leadership, to both the House andRead… Read more »

Federal Contracting – Time to Pull the Strings

The widespread increase of multiple award contracts (MACs) have made the Office of Federal Procurement Policy thinking so as to cut the contract spending and move more work in-house. These administrative efforts are the result of several agencies, including the Department of Veterans Affairs, the Department of Justice and the Department of Homeland Security planningRead… Read more »

Mr. President: Tear Down Those Walls!

Whenever I get a chance for some free time on trips to Washington, DC, I walk or run along the National Mall. Our nation’s capitol is arguably one of the most beautiful cities in the world, especially in and around the monuments and memorials. But then I walk a block off the Mall and seeRead… Read more »

House kills Republican effort to cut federal pay

The House on Friday essentially killed Republican efforts to freeze the salaries of federal workers next fiscal year, voting 227 to 183 to table a proposal introduced by Rep. Michele Bachmann (R-Minn.). The Minnesota Republican introduced the measure after it won this week’s Republican YouCut contest that is identifying potential government spending cuts popular withRead… Read more »