

Largest Federal Employee Union testifies before the Senate Subcommittee on Oversight of Government Management, the Federal Workforce, and the District of Columbia (WASHINGTON)—Citing the loss of public control over important and sensitive functions in all federal agencies, the American Federation of Government Employees, today, detailed specific recommendations for rebalancing the federal government’s civil service andRead… Read more »

Lawmakers question Census lease tied to mosque

By Carol Morello and Ed O’Keefe Two Republican lawmakers are raising questions about the U.S. Census Bureau’s decision to lease space in an office building owned by a Falls Church mosque. Sen. Susan Collins of Maine and Rep. Darrell Issa of California each sent letters this week to the General Services Administration asking for detailsRead… Read more »

GSA Expo 2010 Pics

Thanks to everyone who visited the Shoplet Booth (#450) at the GSA Expo! Our Sales team had a great time in sunny Orlando, Florida and hopefully you did too. To all those who missed it, we missed seeing you! Come next year okay? See more pictures on our blog!

Contract Administration – Duties of the CO

Currently I am working on a project to complete an assessment on how well our Procurement Organization is doing in the area of Contract Administration. A simultaneous project is exploring the duties of the COTR. I would love to hear folks best practices and ideas of measuring the effectiveness of Contract Administration by the COs.

Better Buy is Like Best Ball in Golf. Try it…It’s fun and rewarding.

A few weeks ago, my church Alfred Street Baptist had a Mens Retreat that opened with a good old fashioned golf outing. For those of you who don’t know what Best Ball is, let me explain. In a foursome (4 golfers playing against other groups of 4). The golfers hit off the tee and theRead… Read more »

4 Little Explored Areas in Contract Transparency

Sterling keeps a blog called All Things Sterling. Transparency. Accountability. Openness. Whatever you want to call it, it’s here to stay. Transparency is young, but contract transparency is an infant. This gives us the opportunity to set the agenda of what it really means and will look like for years to come. GovLoop has alreadyRead… Read more »

Digital World Village

Vision of Digital World Village By – Srinidhi Boray (Ingine Inc) By syndication of both content acquisition and in delivery, Federal information can be disseminated to broad array of devices, from broad array of sources. eLearning & eEducation eManagement Federal funded Visual Digital Themes Invigorate ecosystem by intuitive themes Invigorate tourism (tourist attraction & museum)Read… Read more »

BP oil spill calls for a win-win Regulation 3.0 approach

I’m going to be submitting this as an op-ed later today. Any comments would be gratefully appreciated! The Off-shore Oil Crisis Demands a Switch to Win-Win Regulation 3.0 Strategy by W. David Stephenson The Obama Administration’s proposal to make the off-shore oil drilling safety program independent of the Minerals Management Service doesn’t address a moreRead… Read more »

Three Sales Models

We use “models” to simplify, understand, and use situations which are too complex to directly understand and engage successfully. Models allow useful focus. The biggest problem with a model is when we forget it is just a model and think it is the reality. A model often stops working and needs to be adjusted. RealityRead… Read more »