
Jennifer Schaus comments on SBA’s controversial womens procurement program; March 2010

Jennifer Schaus of Jennifer Schaus & Associates in Washington, DC – a boutique government consulting firm – comments on SBA’s controversial women’s procurement program, stressing the importance of relationship building in the government procurement process. March, 2010

The five core values of public administration

Core values is a broad phrase to describe the standards by which we characterize a person, profession, or organization. Throughout the course of brainstorming and analyzing my professional experience, I have settled on a set of five values that are most important in public administration. In order to achieve success at a personal and organizationalRead… Read more »

How Can Open Government or Web 2.0-Help Small Business and the New Jobs Bill?

A bill to make it easier for small businesses to win federal contracts on Thursday cleared the Senate committee where similar provisions have stalled, and the panel’s leader said she is confident the legislation will become law. The Senate Small Business and Entrepreneurship Committee unanimously passed the Small Business Contracting Revitalization Act (S. 2989). TheRead… Read more »

Acquisition 2.0 Starts With FAR 2.0

Originally posted on BetterBlog, this official blog of the Better Buy Project. Let me first apologize to Andy Krzmarzick, as I have been promising a post on performance-based contracting and how it relates to the Better Buy Project and the Acquisition 2.0 initiative. I actually started that post, but put in on hold a bitRead… Read more »

Make the 1st BlackBerry FAR App, Get $500

The Problem: The FAR is a pain to access by BlackBerry. The Solution: $500 of my own money will be awarded to whomever creates the first BlackBerry app that fulfills 4 simple, key requirements. The Requirements: (1) Be downloadable on the most common BlackBerry models, (2) be able to access or download the entire FAR,Read… Read more »

Portraying Government Procurement: Is It The Media Or The Culture?

From The Acquisition Corner Recent testimony by Steve Schooner, co-director of The George Washington University’s Government Procurement Law Program, and others before the House Armed Services Committee’s Defense Acquisition Reform Panel, helped paint the picture and made valid points about how the media portrays the federal acquisition environment and the current state it is in.Read… Read more »

Federal Eye: Eye Opener: Pentagon changes line of succession

Happy Tuesday! Defense Secretary Robert M. Gates has reorganized the Pentagon’s line of succession, reverting back to a pre-Rumsfeld pecking order that emphasizes civilian service chiefs and adds new positions. President Obama issued an executive order Monday that restocks the order this way in the event that Gates dies or is otherwise unable to serve:Read… Read more »

OSD Joins the Navy/Sole-Source Fray!

In the days since my last post, William J. Lynne, Deputy Secretary of Defense, signed a policy memorandum covering the use of internet-based capabilities — including social media. Because of this memo, I listened to a blogtalkradio broadcast of an interview with Price Floyd, Assistant Secretary of Defense for Public Affairs. During his interview, IRead… Read more »