
2011 Budget Shows Evolution of IT Management Thinking By any measure, the 2011 budget request from the Obama administration is big. But when it comes to federal spending on IT in the next fiscal, it’s clear that the days of high single-digit or double-digit growth are over. Spending will be approximately $80 billion, a slight increase over enacted 2010 spending. But theRead… Read more »

Lisa Schlosser: CIO, Cyber Soldier, Data Sharing Maven Soon after returning from a year of active duty as an Army reserve officer, Lisa Schlosser left her job as CIO of the Housing and Urban Affairs Department to join EPA. Now, as Director of the Office of Information Collection, she finds herself at the center of the signature data-use initiative of the ObamaRead… Read more »

Analyzing AASHTO’s “Projects and Paychecks: a One-Year Report on State Transportation Successes under the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act”

Cross posted from my website: Streetsblog-Capitol Hill’s Elena Schor posted an interesting analysis a report titled Projects and Paychecks: a One Year Report on State Transportation Successes under the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (and a website), released yesterday by the American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials (AASHTO), the trade group representing stateRead… Read more »

Examples of Twitter use by Mecklenburg County

I had a few inquiries about Mecklenburg County’s Twitter use, so thought I’d post examples – @MeckCounty The County Manager recently visited the Thomasboro Community of Shalom seeking feedback on the upcoming county budget: (Ties in with our use of a Mecklenburg YouTube channel.) @meckhealth Save the date. Mecklenburg County Public Health Forum HealthyRead… Read more »

Gov’t Privacy News Summary – Jan 23 -31

My friend Fred puts together this awesome privacy news highlights and said I could cross-post… So here we go: Privacy News Highlights 23–31 January 2010 Contents: US – NH House Passes Bill Banning Fingerprint IDs. 3 CA – B.C. Names Acting Privacy Commissioner 3 CA – Privacy Commissioner Launches New Facebook Probe. 3 CA –Read… Read more »

Special Report of Social Networking from the Economist

Hello all, Just wanted to share some information (FT Doug Cornelius). The January 30th edition of The Economist contains a special report on social networking. The report is available on-line for download at The following are links to the inidividual stories: A world of connections Online social networks are changing the way people communicate,Read… Read more »

How-To: Submit a Proposal and Get Accepted at a Big Conference

Over the last week, I’ve spent several hour reviewing proposals for 3 conferences. As such, I think I have a few tips on how to get your proposal accepted: 1 – Have a gov’t person speak. Honestly, if it is just you and your a vendor, I’m scared it is a product pitch for yourRead… Read more »

GovLoop Project of the Week –

1. What is enables job seekers to apply for U.S. Government Civilian positions in the Army Contracting Command (ACC). The job openings are for contracting and procurement personnel, and are open to people currently employed in industry or in government. The website offers information about job opportunities with ACC, including job descriptions, informationRead… Read more »