
The role of conflict and mediation in collaboration

As newer, web-enabled forms of collaboration have been gathering steam at all levels of government, it’s common to hear the discussion be all about the positive and little about the negative. But clearly, an ability to accommodate criticism, disagreement, and passionate debate are important aspects of a productive collaboration. The media coverage of the stolenRead… Read more »

Contract Negotiating Lessons from Hell: the DMV

Every interaction is a negotiation, even at the DMV. You can use these lessons to strengthen your contract negotiation skills. Long lines. Paperwork. Inconsistent information. No smiling (in Virginia at least). Yes, the DMV truly is hell. And yet, there is help — use negotiation skills to make friends with DMV employees. It pays off.Read… Read more »

Dept of VA DepSec Gould taking live questions on Weds at 10:00 AM

Deputy Secretary Scott Gould and Glenn Haggstrom, the Executive Director for Acquisitions, Logistics and Construction at VA will take questions on VA acquisitions & procurement, as well as provide an update to VA’s Supplier Relationship Transformation Initiative via live webinar Wednesday, December 9 at 10:00 AM EST. This webinar is a follow-up to the SupplierRead… Read more »

TSP Weekly Wrap-Up

Hi everyone – It’s your weekly dose of TSP Talk from Last week was certainly an interesting week as we started out on Monday, coming off of that large sell-off on the Friday before caused by the Dubai credit issue. The low volume sell-off left questions as to how investors would react when theyRead… Read more »

Webinar next Wednesday on VA’s Supplier Relationship Transformation Effort

The Department of Veterans Affairs is hosting a webinar on Wednesday, December 9 at 10:00 AM EST to discuss the status of its Supplier Relationship Transformation Effort. VA began this innovative effort, working with the vendor community, to effectively and efficiently deliver the highest quality cost-effective products and services to Veterans, at the right time,Read… Read more »

Budgeteers Unite! Rockstar Budget and Program Analysts Lead the Way to Gov 2.0

Did you know GovLoop has a group called “Budgeteers”? It was created by the American Association for Budget and Program Analysis (AABPA) to gather practitioners and academics in the fields of budget and program analysis. They held an event today at the Capital Hilton in Washington, DC, under the theme, “Budgeting in a Changing Environment:Read… Read more »

Project of the Week – Strategic Partnership on Acquisition Recruitment Coalition

On Nov 4, GovExec featured an article on SPARC… Given the criticality and need for more acquisition resources in government and the need for strategic recruitment, retention and training, I thought I’d provide some highlights from the article. Just as background – if you didn’t know already, the federal government spends approximately $530B annuallyRead… Read more »

GlobaFone Awarded Schedule 70 Contract

GlobaFone, a leading provider of global satellite communications systems, has been awarded GSA contract number GS-35F-0074W within the Schedule 70 program. Under the contract GlobaFone is offering the US-made Iridium 9505A handset, specialty products, a variety of Iridium accessories, GlobaFone’s service plans for Iridium and INMARSAT BGAN service plans. Complete press reslease:

DorobekInsider: Watching the Networx transition — or lack there of — at AFFIRM on Wednesday

One of the more interesting stories of the year in government IT is the transition to the new Networx telecommunications contract — or lack of transition, to be honest. During the confirmation hearing of Martha Johnson to be the administrator of the General Services Administration, she said that Networx transition was going to be oneRead… Read more »