
Lessons Learned From Rapid Acquisition of the MRAP

From The Acquisition Corner There has been some discussion recently on a case study of shortening the procurement cycle from the lessons learned of the Mine Resistant Ambush Protected (MRAP) vehicle. The MRAP is an armored all-terrain vehicle whose purchase and desire for rapid deployment was motivated by the continuing deaths of troops in IraqRead… Read more »

5 Fallacies of Government Series: Is the Government a Terrible Buyer?

FederalNewsRadio’s 5 Fallacies of Government? series is officially underway. Each day this week, we’ll examine a commonly held belief about the federal government to determine if it holds any weight. Today’s topic: Is the government a terrible buyer? The $500 hammer. The $1,000 toilet seat. These are among the most criticized examples of government spending.Read… Read more »

Project of the Week – Federal Strategic Sourcing Initiative

In May of 2005, the Office of Management and Budget’s Office of Federal Procurement Policy (OFPP) released a memorandum to all Federal Chief Acquisition, Information and Financial Officers announcing the onset of a Strategic Sourcing initiative. The memo required all agencies identify no fewer than three commodities “that could be purchased more effectively and efficientlyRead… Read more »

New 6-part Webinar beginning October 29: “How to Get Winning Prose from Non-Professional Proposal Writers”

If you’re like most Proposal Manager professionals, you’re overworked,
overstressed and spending unnecessary time rewriting proposal sections that should
have been completed correctly by someone else. After years of doing just that I discovered the secret to easier proposal writing was training my technical staff to “write it right” the first time. I am now sharing myRead… Read more »

Continuing Resolutions Don’t Have to Be a Pain

Agencies are again operating under a CR. Here are some suggestions to help budget officers avoid disrupting agency operations during the CR period. There have been three recent papers on CRs: * Continuing Resolutions: Uncertainty Limited Management Options and Increased Workload in Selected Agencies, GAO, #09-879, Sep 2009 * Interim Continuing Resolutions: Potential Impacts onRead… Read more »

Mugging the rich bastard lawyers

Cross posted from Online Journalism Blog, where I’ve been updating all day – find any further updates here. If the famous media gaggers, the libel law firm Carter-Ruck, scourge of Private Eye, thought they’d scored another famous victory (these guys are big on bragging) suppressing news they hadn’t reckoned with social media. #trafigura is asRead… Read more »

Federal Eye: Do We Need Columbus Day?

Happy Monday! Most federal employees will spend Monday away from the office, celebrating the seventh of ten federal holidays they enjoy each year. But Conor Dougherty and Sudeep Reddy of the Wall Street Journal wonder if the holiday is on the outs: In California, Columbus Day is one of two unpaid holidays getting blown awayRead… Read more »

New From OST: FREE 19-Page Report: Growing Business with the Government Using an Opportunity Pipeline that Works!

In addition to OST’s Ezine “Turbo-Charging Business Growth” we are now offering a FREE report. This report is based on copious notes taken during the September 16th Association of Proposal Management Professionals Roundtable, where small, medium, and large-tier businesses provided valuable insight into developing and managing a successful business opportunity pipeline. To get the FREERead… Read more »