
Sweet GovTweets 07.19.2009

Hello! Good evening, Today’s tweets are very short. The weather here has been unseasonably cool (85) and we are just giddy. So, I am assuming, because I want to, that all of you are being blessed with the same wonderful weather! And I’m guessing everyone was outside playing today instead of posting. As I wentRead… Read more »

Using Performance Metrics to Manage

In the final installment on a performance management framework, we’ll look at using performance metrics and analysis in order to effectively manage agencies and their programs by using remediation and corrective actions. We’ve already covered the first and second steps, and will focus on the final two in this posting (all four are listed justRead… Read more »

How Small Businesses Capture Federal Stimulus Money

We’re all one degree away from someone who’s a small business owner. These intrepid souls face the same pressures nowadays as the global Fortune 100s: clogged sales pipelines, price-sensitive overhead, and shortage of working capital. Yesterday, I took a field trip to study up on how small businesses can grow in these lean times, throughRead… Read more »

Are Federal Acquisition Practices Accelerating the Move of Government Computing to the Cloud?

By Dennis D. McDonald, Ph.D. Jason Miller’s report Kundra says government’s approach to consolidation has been ill-suited includes this statement by Vivek Kundra, Federal Chief Information Officer: “I’ve talked to CIOs, buyers, business unit leaders across the government, and one of the biggest challenges is that if they want to provision services they have toRead… Read more »

Federal Eye: Congress Set to Focus More on Alaska Firms

The number of government contracts awarded to Alaska Native Corporations skyrocketed 1,386 percent between 2000 and 2008, according to a new federal audit, even though they account for only a small portion of companies participating in a Small Business Administration program designed for small, minority-owned businesses. The latest audit mirrors similar investigations by the SenateRead… Read more »

Web 2.0 Can Recruit New Workforce

From Federal Computer Week As the discussion about acquisition reform continues in Congress and throughout the federal government, a new emphasis is emerging on workforce development as critical to successful acquisitions. Concern about the nearing wave of large-scale retirements has grown for the past several years, yet no good solution has emerged. Recent press coverageRead… Read more »

Sweet GovTweets 07.09.2009

I’m back— I have been on vacation! hehe I understand while I was away, some of you federal folks had some problems with computer viruses, or such. Last week, a Trojan horse invaded my computer. When I ran my very sophisticated internet security software, it indicated that the problem *might* have originated from a fileRead… Read more »

A Call to Restructure the Acquisition Workforce

The FAIR Institute launched a new oped series today called FAIR Point of View Series with a paper by David Litman titled “A call to restructure the acquisition workforce”… The paper advocates for the creation of a single acquisition job series that encompasses at least three functions, “program management, contracting and a new function calledRead… Read more »

Federal Eye Eye Opener: Economic Stimulus Progress Report

Happy Wednesday! It appears that a good chunk of economic stimulus funding is going right into the nation’s roads, according to a GAO update set for release today about the massive government spending project. The Congressional auditing agency must deliver a bi-monthly stimulus progress report and is tracking the 16 largest states and the DistrictRead… Read more »