
Poor Acquisition Outcomes Can Also Happen With The Government Acting As The Contractor

In light of all the focus recently on federal acquisition reform, one of the agencies with the most problems is the Department of Veterans Affairs. The VA is a case study on what the failed policies of the past in regards to workforce development have done to the present difficulties with completing the acquisition missionRead… Read more »

Sharing the World Sisterhood III – Leadership Conference 2009 | Seeking Philanthropic Grantmakers | Seed | Grants-in-aid | Gift | Tax-deductible Contributions

From the Washington Business Examiner by Donna L. Quesinberry RE: FUTURE Sharing the World Sisterhood III – 2009 Leadership Conference FUTURE (Families United Toward Universal Respect) is a non-profit, 501(c)(3) that supports women in developing third world countries and teaches them a strong organizational model based on volunteerism that promotes self-reliance, networking and family unity.Read… Read more »

GovLoop Member of the Week: Dean Halstead, Collaboration Architect, Microsoft Federal

Happy Father’s Day! Father’s Day is a day to remember, an opportunity to stop and honor our dads; this year, it also marks the beginning of summer – barbecuing on the 4th of July, sunny days at the park, or rainy nights at the pool (not to mention all that humidity and those special uninvitedRead… Read more »

Sweet GovTweets 06.18.2009

Goof morning! Finally caught up! Today’s tweetstream has some very interesting topics. Here is a great cartoon about Twitter‘s effect on #iranelection in Tehran Caroline Twitter @WiiPigSooie Blog WiiPigSooie web20blog: Michael Edson to talk about creating website strategy transparently on July 14 #gov20 #transparency (expand ) 3 minutes ago from TweetDeck • Reply •Read… Read more »

Sweet GovTweets 06.17.09

Greetings! Here is the summary of tweets for yesterday (sorry, I got really busy). Even with all of the multiple posts, RT’s, etc removed, this was the busiest tweetstream for GovLoop I have seen so far. Lots of additions to @GovTwit. Lots of promotion for the privacy conference on Saturday (so, y’all sign up andRead… Read more »

The Outsourcing Debate: Realism versus Rhetoric

The Federal Acquisition Innovation and Reform (FAIR) Institute, a new nonprofit focusing on federal contracting reform, released a report in response to the push by the Obama administration to reevaluate when it is appropriate to outsource and use contractors. Specifically, the report provides high-level policy guidance on the specifics of President Obama’s March memo onRead… Read more »

The government wants change. Will they bring in the right cultural experts to make it happen?

NOTE: This is my column from my Women’s Entrerepreneur column that I write for the DC Examiner. This and past columns can be found at Last week I attended an Excellence in Government breakfast at the National Press Club. The panel spoke on “Human Capital” and the future of civil service. Allow me toRead… Read more »

Performance Management Analysis

Continuing our exercise in developing a performance management framework, a summary of the necessary steps for a successful program follows: 1. Report performance metric data on pre-defined schedule. 2. Analyze data for troubling trends or missed targets. Operationally research root cause of problems. 3. Provide corrective action for metrics where target was missed or dataRead… Read more »

Sweet Gov Conference Tweets – Blog Potomac Part 2 (#blogpotomac)

6:46 am nathanbetz: Usability idea for folks at #blogpotomac: if you RT, then DONT include the #blogpotomac hastag. Will really help the feed. 6:46 am sradick: Changed my avatar back to my face so peeps at #blogpotomac can identify me – should have done this earlier! Sorry everyone! 6:46 am creativeblogs: @digitalsista social media allowsRead… Read more »