
Interior cannot find 20 percent of its laptops

It’s pretty amazing, but the Interior Department has not been keeping tabs on its laptops. According to an Inspector General’s report, the agency cannot find 20 percent of its laptops. And that’s a pretty bad report card for any agency and raises real questions about what information was stored on those laptops and why wasn’tRead… Read more »

Open Source Success Through Understanding the Acquisition Process

The criticality of contractors understanding the government acquisition process is vital to their success and the widespread adoption of open source software. Government transparency, openness and sharing will be significanty facilitated through this comprehension. This concept is superbly underscored through this article by Chet Hayes. While the intricacies of the acquisition process are often complex,Read… Read more »

Focusing on Acquisition Reform: Workforce First

The much anticipated Smart Contracting Caucus met this week for the first time since being created over a year ago by former House Oversight and Government Reform ranking member Tom Davis, (R-VA). The intent of the Caucus was to consider thoughtful federal procurement reform by having a type of 360-review of issues facing the contractingRead… Read more »

Australian internet usage 20% greater than TV – Nielsen

Republished from eGovAU. I’ve just come across a media release from Nielsen (PDF) from March this year indicating that internet use by Australian internet users reached 16.1 hours per week in 2008, soaring ahead of TV at 12.9 viewing hours per week (radio sits at 8.8 hours). This suggests that the average Australian internet userRead… Read more »

Mortgage Securitization – explained and how it factored in the financial crisis Thanks to Ezra Klein’s blog on for the link – the paper is a great read (once you get past the economics) to understand exactly the mortgage back securites (MBS) market fell apart – essentially it was due to (1) bad assumptions of defalut rates, (2) poor ratings of each MBS pool byRead… Read more »

Acquisition Reform Foundations: People First and Fast

As acquisition reform initiatives move forward in Congress, specifically with the House following the Senate in passing their defense acquisition reform bill, personnel issues continue to be at the forefront of discussions and focus on reform initiatives. Of course it goes without saying that the announcement to bring 20,000 acquisition positions in house at theRead… Read more »

A System for Proposal Management

Are you a business owner or an executive eager to win government business? Are you new to the Federal market? Have you written proposals that didn’t win? Have you missed great opportunities that appeared custom-fit for your company? Does it seem you’re working harder and harder for minimal results? Or, are you someone who isRead… Read more »

Changing the Rules

Having been on travel to conferences and training sessions (more “back in the day”; recently we’ve been told we can have nearly any training we like if we can take it online or get there on the Metro) I have noticed several things about Government travel. For notoriously getting the cheapest seats, you know, theRead… Read more »

Project of the Week – Federal Acquisition Innovation and Reform Institute

The Federal Acquisition Innovation and Reform (FAIR) Institute, a nonpartisan and nonprofit organization, was recently launched by Raj Sharma, President and CEO of Censeo Consulting Group and Dr. Allan Burman, President of Jefferson Solutions within Jefferson Consulting Group . FAIR was created to work with key constituencies to promote a federal acquisition system that continuallyRead… Read more »