
So GSA Negotiated Terms of Service…Now What?

In the past few weeks, the General Services Administration (GSA) has signed Terms of Service (TOS) agreements with a number of new media providers. The agreements signed by GSA were negotiated with the assistance of a number of federal agencies. The goal was to arrive at a TOS federal agencies would be comfortable enough withRead… Read more »

GovLoop Member of Week – I.J. Ezeonwuka

I.J. Ezeonwuka is one of my favorite people in public service. I first met her when I co-founded Young Government Leaders and she was an integral part of the team that took a 50 person happy hour group to a 501(c)(3) non-profit with thousands of members across the country. When I developed GovLoop, she wasRead… Read more »

Dabbling in written arts & technical wizardry – part 1 of 20 series

Dabbling in written arts & technical wizardry – part 1 of 20 series National Writing Examiner, Donna L. Quesinberry Defining yourself as a writer involves introspection and self-awareness. To develop positive characteristics, and deliver uniquely satisfying written products, whether a novelist, journalist, technician, poet, or business writer… is to be a dabbler of the writtenRead… Read more »

Six aspects of capture – pre-proposal preparation that makes a winning difference

Bidding on government opportunities without proper capture planning is like taking a pile of $100 bills and going to a pool hall to play against the local pool sharks. In government proposals, just like in the pool hall, there are those who know what they are doing, and those who don’t. Those who know whatRead… Read more »

Web 3.0 and the Virtual Proposal Manager, part 2

Web 3.0 and the Virtual Proposal Manager, part 2 from the Government Business Examiner, Donna L. Quesinberry Meeting planning, an active component of the proposal management experience, encompasses the virtual scheme. Remote workers (even if a proposal shop is available on-site at a client location) are showing up everywhere and they aren’t going to goRead… Read more »

Managing Performance Based Contracts For Success

As I closely follow developments in the current wave of acquisition reform, there certainly seems to be a focus on awarding more fixed price contracts, and the reduction of other contract types such as cost type and time and materials. What I find interesting in all this talk about commercial best practices and streamlining theRead… Read more »

SECAF Eexecutive Forum

The contracting activity sector in the Department of Homeland Security has 22 departments. Seven of which were intact at the start of the organization. There are 3 major oversight agencies in the department that perform quality control to ensure the integrity of the department. Ms. Correa noted that OPO’s mission is simple, they don’t takeRead… Read more »

Important Report on Latest Trends in Federal Proposal Management

There are trends and drivers in government proposals that companies need to know about to acquire and maintain a winning edge. People have to either keep up with the trends in the fast-changing government contracting market, or get out of the game altogether because their chances of winning go down exponentially. I put together aRead… Read more »

Virtual Proposal Secrets (Winning Government Proposals in a Virtual Team Environment)

I just wrote a 9-page article based on my interview with Ben Rowland, a Washington, DC virtual proposals expert, that I would like to share with you. This detailed article discusses the common challenges and provides tips, tricks, resources, and tools for managing virtual proposals. Virtual Proposals Secrets: Interview with Ben Rowland By Olessia Smotrova-TaylorRead… Read more »