
Changing Washington: Obama’s First 100 Days

On his first day in office, President Obama began acting on his campaign promise to “change the way Washington does business.” His first directive to agencies articulated a set of principles of how he wants the government to do its business: more transparency in how government does it work, more citizen participation via the Internet,Read… Read more »

Increasing Transparency and Accountability in Federal Performance Reporting: Lessons from the OMB Pilot Program

In 2006, the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) authorized the Performance and Accountability Reporting (PAR) Pilot Program, which permitted executive branch agencies to use an alternative approach to reporting financial and performance information. Eleven departments and agencies volunteered to participate in the FY 2007 PAR Pilot Program. Three initiatives were held to assess andRead… Read more »

Carbon Offsets: Not just a good idea, it’s the LAW!

Anyone old enough to remember that commercial – “It’s not nice to fool Mother Nature?” The sooner we can get off the fossil fuel merry-go-round, the better, I say. And the better for Mother Earth. In this administration’s efforts to become more green, it’s possible to envision a day when government agencies will be requiredRead… Read more »

The Hokie Guru, GovLoop’s Bureacurat on Sports, Entertainment, and Whatever Else is Important in the World – News and Notes

Hola, GovLoopers… it’s been a while since the Hokie Guru’s presence graced GovLoop.. and please don’t talk or write in the passive voice like that… only trained bloggers can do that!! 🙂 Hey, let’s step back… into 1989… Man, if you had long hair between 1989 and 1992, any major record label signed you toRead… Read more »

Web 3.0 and the Virtual Proposal Manager, part 1

Web 3.0 and the Virtual Proposal Manager, part 1 by Donna L. Quesinberry, Washington Business Examiner As an evolving field of expertise, proposal management and the ‘process life-cycle’ are entering yet another augmentation. The newest capture planning and business development solutions profile involves an ability to remain both an active and dynamic participant, while promotingRead… Read more »

Federal Eye: GAO: States Struggling With Stimulus Funding

Most state governments have barely touched their federal economic stimulus money and some state officials have expressed concern that they may not be able to manage the extra money and oversight, according to a report issued today by the Government Accountability Office. GAO Acting Comptroller General Gene L. Dodaro, who appeared today along with federal,Read… Read more »

The Case for Why Social Media Is Essential to Building Effective Transparency (It may be different than you think!)

twitter @kpkfusion This morning I published a simple twitter post that circulated quickly. The post was inspired by a Washington Post article on the Johnstown Pa airport. According to the Post article, the airport, though slightly used, became one of the first recipients of stimulus funds and has now received over 200M of federal moneyRead… Read more »

Meeting Notes from April 17th ACT-IAC Content Delivery Committee

ACT/IAC Content Delivery Committee Teleconference April 17, 2009 Meeting Attendees: Martha Przysucha, Program Chair, C&T SIG Tchad Moore, Group Lead, Applied Web 2.0, C&T SIG Tom Suder, Group Lead, Web 2.0 Technologies, ET SIG Angela Norris, ACT Top 10 Committee Lead, Program Committee Mary Davie, Acting Asst Commissioner for Customer Accounts and Research, GSA FASRead… Read more »

Stimulus Projects – Advantage, GSA Schedule Holders

Stimulus Projects – Advantage, GSA Schedule Holders Selling to the government can be a lucrative long term investment. A company who has done their homework and understands the process and time frames, obstacles, paperwork and financial investment involved will be successful. Government sales should be evaluated to in the same way you would evaluate sellingRead… Read more »

On April 15th, think of TurboTax as model for local government’s reports (& federal reporting in general

This ran yesterday in TechPresident. Since then I’ve gotten a number of favorable responses, including several that suggested the government should actually consider having Intuit design the site. As I thought more about it, it seems to me that this approach — of a process in which muncipalities and states wouldn’t have to make anyRead… Read more »