
The 4-Day Work Week: Could it Really Work?

I caught an article recently about a Louisiana House committee questioning a proposal to put state agencies on a shorter workweek. Of course thsi is being sold as a cost-saving idea by the sponsoring legislator. State Rep. Rickey Hardy, D-Lafayette, asked the House Committee on Labor and Industrial Relations to consider changing state employees’ workweeksRead… Read more »

Federal Eye: Overheard at the Commerce Department …

The Eye, after ditching plans to attend a different event, found himself near the Commerce Department today as President-elect Obama named Bill Richardson as the next secretary of commerce. So after sampling the tasty fare at the Ronald Reagan Building’s food court, he sampled the opinions of some rank-and-file Commerce Department employees, to see whatRead… Read more »

Federal Eye: Napolitano Faces Contracting Challenges at DHS

Gov. Janet Napolitano (D-Ariz.) is President-elect Barack Obama’s choice to serve as secretary of homeland security. Should she be nominated and confirmed, she faces challenges well beyond border security, airport security and collective bargaining rights for TSA employees. A new report by the General Accountability Office issued yesterday demonstrates that the department still lacks theRead… Read more »

Federal Eye: Top Federal Workers Union Lists Priorities for Obama

Once he takes office, President-elect Obama should issue an executive order re-establishing the federal sector labor-management partnership and all federal agencies should have to review service contracts and cancel wasteful ones, according to recommendations issued today by the National Treasury Employees Union. The group represents roughly 150,000 federal employees and 31 agencies or departments. ItRead… Read more »

A Patriot’s Reading List

No matter which side of the political fence you’re on, these books should prove engaging and enlightening, not to mention pertinent to our time. (If you are uber pro-Bush then you might enjoy the Fareed Zakaria and Reza Aslan books more than the more lefty works). This is just a small collection of some thatRead… Read more »

A Welcome Pat on the Back

We sole proprietors on the publishing frontier, better known as bloggers, toil in relative obscurity. Having once run a print magazine with a full reporting and editing staff, art department and business operation to handle fulfillment and printing and delivery and promotion and ad sales, I find performing all those functions myself particularly frustrating andRead… Read more »

Five Challenges Government Faces When Adopting Web 2.0

By Dennis D. McDonald In these heady days of transition, as we think about ways to improve government, it’s temping to over-sell the benefits of “Web 2.0.” I personally believe in Web 2.0 tools and techniques and how they can support what I call the Three C’s of Web 2.0: Collaboration, Content, and Communication. JustRead… Read more »

“I Read the News Today oh, Boy”

While scanning the news this morning I was surprised by a couple of things that came across the screen. It left me kind of reflective as to how other people might view this time in America’s history. I am very curious how the lesson of 2008 will be told to my grandkids. In all honesty,Read… Read more »

Six Ways Local Governments Can Use Social Media to Promote Energy Conservation

Author’s Note: I originally published this on my blog on September 16, 2008. I’m republishing it here to see if anyone would like to discuss the ideas presented here. Six Ways Local Governments Can Use Social Media to Promote Energy Conservation By Dennis D. McDonald Here are six ways local governments can use social mediaRead… Read more »