
8 Ways to Get Hiring Managers More Involved with Talent Acquisition

So much is discussed, debated and written about how HR can improve the process of finding, hiring and retaining talent, I was surprised to see the results of The McQuaig Institute’s recent Global Talent Recruitment Survey as it relates to the top recruiting challenges. According to the survey, 68 percent of HR professionals identified issues withRead… Read more »

Migrating to the Cloud

“The cloud.” It seems like some mysterious location that either floats above us or hangs over our heads, depending on how you look at it. What is the cloud? What are the advantages and disadvantages of migrating to cloud-based solutions? People refer to the cloud as if you should be able to find it viaRead… Read more »

Why Government Uses Open Bid Processes

For most purchasing professionals in the public sector, solicitations and open bid processes are “just the way things have always been done.” Open solicitations are a way for governments to protect themselves, ensure transparency, show good stewardship of public funds and give the best value for monies spent. There is also a trickle-up benefit toRead… Read more »

Same Dog, New Tricks

“You can’t teach an old dog new tricks.” This common phrase can be said for a lot of bureaucratic procedures: they’re slow to change and can eventually fall into a rut. Like any change-adverse person, federal agencies have become too comfortable with an old-school procurement process. But could some simple tweaking result in smoother acquisitions?Read… Read more »

Federal Talent Acquisition — Analytics and Location, the Next Frontier

As is often the case, I read with interest Meghan Biro’s recent column in Forbes – Big, Bad Data: How Talent Analytics Will Make It Work In HR. It caught my attention with its insight into the world of talent analytics and HR. I was particularly excited to see Biro’s conclusions drawn from a recentRead… Read more »

Moving on Up: Advancing Your Government Career

We’re all looking to advance our skills, get better at our current job and move up the leadership ladder, but how do you actually do it? Moderated by Steve Ressler, Founder and CEO of Govloop, our online training featured two career coaches who answered your questions. Adam Smith, Principal at ASC, LLC Beth Flores, FounderRead… Read more »

Is Lowest Price Technically Acceptable (LPTA) Always The Best Deal?

By Cindy Wilkins, Sr. Program Analyst In the current fiscal environment, there is an even stronger focus on being a good steward of taxpayer dollars. That is certainly commendable and definitely what is expected by John Q. Public. The recent trend to uphold that trust placed in the Government has been toward awarding contracts onRead… Read more »

IT Solutions with Speed, Savings

When I meet with agency customers, I hear about the struggles we face to get IT acquisitions done efficiently and smoothly. Most government agencies–federal, state or local—face similar acquisition problems: How do we acquire IT faster? How can we continue to find savings? Can you make it easier to acquire mission-critical IT solutions? Can youRead… Read more »