
If government procurement is broken, fix it – Plus the 7 Gov Stories

On GovLoop Insights’ DorobekINSIDER: 70 percent of federal employees do not believe promotions in their work unit are based on merit, and only 43 percent of employees surveyed feel as though they are recognized for doing a good job. Something needs to change in the civil service – and it needs to happen now. InsightsRead… Read more »

How Integrated Product Teams Can Improve Performance and Save Money

By Mike Ipsaro, PMP, CCE/A In this time of tight budgets and mandates to do more or the same with less, the need for innovation through greater communication and cooperation is greater than ever. The intelligent use of Integrated Product Teams (IPTs) that foster an organizational climate of cross-functional collaboration can drive innovation throughout yourRead… Read more »

5 Budgeting Process Challenges and Steps to Start Solving Them

Long established practices used to manage budgeting, planning, forecasting, reporting and risk management are becoming increasingly complex. As a result, budget and finance professionals are being pressured to improve accuracy, efficiency, better controls, and auditability and to provide greater visibility into costs, resources, and performance, which is not an easy task. For this reason, weRead… Read more »

GSA IAE is seeking Industry Feedback

I am reposting this from the IAE Interact site. You can read more and sign up for this interactive community here. “The GSA Integrated Award Environment team is asking you to dive into our current business processes to tell us what can be improved as we move forward with the development of the future environment.Read… Read more »

States Double Down On Cloud Computing – Don’t Miss The Train

“Cloud computing has changed the way that CIOs procure goods and services in the government. The cloud computing train left the station a long time ago, it is more than past time for governments to fully jump on board.” – Meredith Ward. More than 74% of state CIOs say they have at least one applicationRead… Read more »

Four Ways To Improve Procurement

Last year, in the midst of the’s troubled launch, President Obama said government IT procurement needs to be blown up and built anew. But how do you blow up federal procurement effectively? troubled procurement wasn’t the only high profile acquisition failure out there; there have been others. What changes actually need to beRead… Read more »

Take A Voyage – Why The Partnership Program Is Making A Difference

Every day on the DorobekINSIDER program we try to tell good government stories to help you do your job better. Today we get to highlight a program that is helping people do their jobs better by showing the power of partnerships; it’s an awesome program called Voyagers. Voyagers is part of the Industry Advisory CouncilRead… Read more »

Contracting Check-In – Where Does The Market Stand In The Wake Of The Shutdown

The federal IT landscape is shifting. Now more than ever, contractors and the federal government alike are looking to sell and buy government services, not hardware. Think cloud computing over data centers. But the shift is causing some problems, because the federal procurement system simply isn’t set up to handle those types of agile serviceRead… Read more »

How To Get Women In The Contracting Game

Women owned small businesses make up less than 5% of the federal procurements, but the federal government is trying to make a change. They have created requirements and set-asides to help women-owned businesses enter into federal contracts. The Small Business Administration and American Express Open have also teamed up to help get the word outRead… Read more »