
What are the top challenges that will impact the Federal Government Acquisition Officers in 2014?

Check out this article about some of the leading trends: Register for this upcoming FREE webinar to learn more about key challenges and what Federal agencies are doing NOW to address most pressing issues discuss with other Federal employees Top Organizational Development Challenges Facing the Federal Government Thursday, January 23, 2014 11:00 – 11:45Read… Read more »

One Stop Shop for State Mobile Apps – Take the Tour

Apps are everywhere these days. You have California’s Locator app, Florida’s State Parks Outdoor Guide, or West Virginia’s Suspicious Activity Reporting app. These are amazing developments but until NASCIO developed the State App Catalogue there was no central list of state mobile apps. And considering states provide essentially the same services, being able to collaborateRead… Read more »

Is It Time to Professionalize Contract Management?

It’s the problem that won’t seem to go away: for decades, government agencies, academics and industry associations have identified a lack of expertise and training among acquisition personnel as a key challenge for the acquisition workforce. Frank Kendall, Under Secretary of Defense for Acquisition, Technology and Logistics, acknowledged the problem, adding a new goal toRead… Read more »

Contractors Take a Financial Hit in 2013 – 2 Ways to Move Forward

85% of government contractors saw either flat or declining budgets in 2013. That staggering statistic is from a new study from Lohfeld Consulting. Sequestration, budget cuts and uncertainty were all contributors to the decline. Lohfeld Consulting’s CEO told Chris Dorobek on the DorobekINSIDER program that 2013 was a rough year, but one where if youRead… Read more »

10 Ways To Improve Federal Technology

While it’s good to improve government services through advances in information technology, we also need to do better with what we have, which is our own valuable IT human capital. In the Wall Street Journal today, the “health-site woes” are spurring a push for changes to federal technology, including the possibility of a “federal unitRead… Read more »

Looking Forward and Looking Back – New Year News from The Center for the Business Government

This article was originally posted by Dan Chenok on the IBM Center for the Business of Government Blog. The IBM Center for The Business of Government had the privilege of publishing a wide variety of reports about key public sector challenges in 2013, from some of the Nation’s leading thinkers on government management. As 2014Read… Read more »

DorobekINSIDER Live: Top Innovations of 2013: Looking Back, Looking Forward

A special edition of GovLoop’s DorobekINSIDER today. We’re LIVE! It’s the 11th time we’ve met and we are doing this at least once each month this year. The idea is simple: get smart people together and share ideas because we believe that the real power of information comes when it is shared. 2013 may goRead… Read more »

Technology Across the Pond: Insights from CARTES 2013

One of the most important advantages of globalization is that governments can learn from each other. Oracle’s latest announcement in Europe has some important lessons from government agencies in the United States and around the world. At the CARTES 2013 in Paris, France, a conference on securing smart technologies, Oracle announced a new partnership withRead… Read more »

Call to Industry – join GSA to discuss the future vision of the Integrated Award Environment (IAE)

The Integrated Award Environment (IAE) constitutes a critical set of information systems that serve both industry and government as a consolidated platform supporting government-wide acquisitions. These include SAM, FedBizOps, FPDS-NG and others. Over the last year, GSA has invested significant effort and resources to stabilize, secure and continuously improve the new SAM system and program.Read… Read more »

FY14: Savings, Savings, Savings

In our most recent blog post, we shared how much money federal agencies and taxpayers save by using GSA’s Networx program. And while it’s a significant amount of money, there’s more to the savings story. Across government we are challenged with constrained budgets and acquisition resources while simultaneously focused on improving procurement and ultimately deliveringRead… Read more »