
Failure to Launch: How to Fix Government IT Problems

We all know that there is no shortage of transformational ideas or exceptional public servants in government, working to improve how agencies operate. IT holds unbelievable promise to streamline processes and change the business of government. Although this potential is clear, we have seen agencies struggle to completely leverage IT. Instead of a gateway toRead… Read more »

May the Source Be With You!

By Ilandus Swinson, Procurement Lead In a business environment where the government is expected to do more with less, the strategic sourcing process has become a resourceful approach in helping agencies reduce spending and clearly define requirements while also improving mission delivery. Strategic sourcing can be defined as a standard and formal process that incorporatesRead… Read more »

The Struggle With the Juggle: How to Master the Trick of Contract Transition

GovLoop and Integrity Management Consulting are proud to present a 12-part series called “Conscientious Contracting: A Thoughtful Approach to Acquisition and Program Management,” that aims to address common challenges and achieve new efficiencies in government procurement. There’s always been transition among contracts and contractors in government. But we might be living in unprecedented times. AccordingRead… Read more »

Go Mobile Without Going Bankrupt: Cross-Platform App Development with HP

Optimizing your agency for mobile is a necessary step in today’s technology environment. In GovLoop’s recent mobile guide, we shared how government agencies are transforming internal operations and customer service by leveraging the power of mobile apps. For example, the Transportation Security Administration has created an internal app to keep employees aware of critical securityRead… Read more »

Richard Spires: CIOs Need More Infrastructure, Business System Control

Lawmakers need to draft a stronger information technology procurement reform legislation that gives agency chief information officers greater control of the infrastructure and business systems, former DHS CIO Richard Spires writes in a column for FCW. He noted that the Obama administration’s website woes have thrust the business of buying and managing IT toRead… Read more »

Resolve to Upgrade Your Technology This Year [Infographic]

Looking back at the past decade, it is easy to see how technology improved our lives. We have transformed our agencies with mobile technology, data analytics, GIS mapping, and a whole host of innovations. But what happens when these technologies stop working for us and start working against us? How many hours have you wastedRead… Read more »

Even President Obama is sounding the procurement alarm

In last week’s Wall Street Journal’s CEO Council Special Report, President Obama was asked what he has learned from the experience. In his response, he focused squarely on federal procurement problems, and particularly on the feds struggle in procuring IT, by stating, “[the] way the federal government does procurement and does IT is justRead… Read more »

Will VA certifications of SDVOSB go away? We in the Veteran’s community can only hope so

Recent contracting missteps, as reported by the Washington Business Journal (WBJ) and Microtech by the Washington Post, seem to have endangered the Veteran’s Affairs (VA) programs for certifying firms as either Service Disabled Veteran Owned Small Business (SDVOSB) or Veteran Owned Small Business (VOSB). Although the current certification process is challenging enough, this recent issueRead… Read more »

It Just Keeps Getting Better: EMC Shows You How To Optimize Your Cloud and Virtualization Systems

Has your agency transitioned to the cloud yet? If so, you are definitely not alone. More and more government agencies are taking that leap and using the cloud to successfully manage and store their growing volumes of data. EMC, a market leader in cloud solutions, is hosting an upcoming event on the benefits of cloudRead… Read more »