
When Getting Rid of Risk Isn’t Possible: 4 Ways to Work Around It

GovLoop and Integrity Management Consulting are proud to present a 12-part series called “Conscientious Contracting: A Thoughtful Approach to Acquisition and Program Management,” that aims to address common challenges and achieve new efficiencies in government procurement. “Risk comes from not knowing what you’re doing.” – Warren Buffett It’s virtually impossible to eliminate risk. That’s theRead… Read more »

Michigan’s CIO and CTO give frank insights on the state of gov. IT – Part 1

Michigan Gov. Rick Snyder believes technology can transform government. It’s state CIO David Behen’s job to turn the governor’s vision into reality. Behen was recently named one of Government Technology’s Top 25 in Government. Behen is aided in his quest with CTO Rob Davenport. Both men sat down with Chris Dorobek on the DorobekINISIDER forRead… Read more »

Better Buying Power v2.0, Mission Impossible at Defense?

According to recent guidance from Frank Kendall, undersecretary of defense for acquisition, technology and logistics, the initial round of Better Buying Power did not go well due to acquisition workforce personnel “creating” mandates from guidance on improving performance. One of the biggest areas of “confusion” from the original guidance was the preference for more fixed-priceRead… Read more »

Which GSA Schedules are the Most Lucrative?

Yes. Here is another statistical blog post. Sorry, but this is good information and helpful for many federal contractors to see where their GSA Schedule stands up against the others when it comes to federal spending. Below is a standard ranking by GSA Schedule based on the dollar sales volume. Hope you find this helpful.Read… Read more »

TurboTax for Contracts is here!

Some of us in the 1102 community have called for a TurboTax like solution to picking contract clauses for the past few years. Well, DOD has answered our prayers.

The Three C’s Of CPIC Success at TSA

By Robert Nau With budgets and resources stretched more than ever, portfolios are under fire to demonstrate the value of their investments through sound business cases. One way to show soundness is to demonstrate the business cases are compliant and coherent. But how is this accomplished? Based on my experience supporting teams through many CapitalRead… Read more »