
Buy outcomes, not output

There a couple of things you need to think about before you buy consulting services, management consulting, or any of the types of services where you’re looking for a unique perspective or insight, the benefit of experience, and a fresh view on things. Anytime you’re looking for something that’s going to end in real changeRead… Read more »

Is your program/agency on GAO’s High Risk List

What is the high risk list? Beginning in 1990 the Government Accountability Office started putting together a list of programs that were most vulnerable to waste, fraud, abuse, mis-management and the need for fundamental transformation. The GAO produces the list every two years to help Congress and the Executive Branch set priorities on high riskRead… Read more »

Shared Services: DHS Tests Multi-Band Radio Solution for First Responders

Breakdowns in communications are hurting first responders. And one of the reasons for the communications breakdown is that their radio’s aren’t on the same bandwidth. That means that during an emergency firefighters can’t talk to EMS or law enforcement on their radios. It slows down reaction time and operability. The solution seems simple, give everyoneRead… Read more »

Thought No. 3: ODCs in 2013!(?)

Thirteen Thoughts for 2013 continues this week with Thought No. 3: ODCs in 2013!(?) As you know, throughout the last year the Coalition for Common Sense in Government Procurement (the Coalition) has highlighted the fundamental value to customer agencies of the inclusion of ODCs and materials (at cost) in Multiple Award Schedule (MAS) contracts. TheRead… Read more »

NCMA DC Chapter Speed Mentoring Event – February 28, 2013

REGISTER AT THE LINK BELOW: “What advice do you have for new contracting professionals?” “What type of training are leaders recommending for career development?” “How do I handle making a mistake?” These are just some of the questions and concerns that are on the minds of many of today’s acquisition professionals. In response, theRead… Read more »

New Industry Survey – Budget Impasse Already Severely Impacting Federal Contractors

The federal budget process has practically ground to a halt. Centurion Research Solutions recently conducted a survey of its clients to ascertain the impact of this impasse on their current and future business growth plans and, in some cases, financial survival. In a nutshell – the survey illustrates the drastic effects this situation is alreadyRead… Read more »

Government Innovation Success? RFP-EZ Launches – hear from Clay Johnson

“Risk is giving yourself permission to fail and an opportunity to succeed,” said Clay Johnson. Johnson is one of the Presidential Innovation Fellows tasked with helping streamline and modernize the federal procurement system. The first of its kind program, brought in innovators from the private sector for six-month fellowships to help government solve problems. Johnson’sRead… Read more »

Think Agile in Modular Acquisition for IT

By Tom Kuhn, PhD, DAWIA III Government agencies need the most innovative IT solutions, but they also need to “innovate with less.” That’s where Modular Acquisition comes in, taking a “small bites” approach to IT investment, which gives government fast access to the latest technology while lowering the risk of upfront spending on systems. TheRead… Read more »