
The Federal Workforce is Going to be SMALLER – So who gets cut? Acquisition Workforce?

There is really no way around it – the federal workforce is getting smaller. Budget cuts and the potential sequestration are forcing the issue. So what does that mean for the acquisition workforce going forward? Who stays? Stan Soloway is the President and CEO of the Professional Services Council. His team has just completed theirRead… Read more »

Shutdowns are ALWAYS possible – So Learn to Acquire Despite the Threats

“There is always a possibility of a shutdown or a continuing resolution. In reality we are used to this in government and especially at DHS we have processes and procedures in place. We are built for emergencies. Overtime you get better at pre-positioning contracts and educating the workforce for these budgetary times,” said Nick Nayak.Read… Read more »

We Need to Understand Chinese Procurement

NCMA’s December 2012 flagship publication, Contract Management, published the article Comparative Best Practices in Public Sector Contracting — How the FAR Excels in the Socioeconomic Perspective. The piece provides a brief breakdown of five major procurement regimes including the the European Union’s Procurement Directives used by the European Union and the U.S.’s Federal Acquisition Regulation.Read… Read more »

Are budget cuts the real catalyst for Innovation?

Think about this; stability rarely breads innovation. Traditions and norms don’t generate creativity. So keeping that in mind, doesn’t it stand to reason, that severe budget cuts like the ones that the government is currently dealing with, could be the real catalyst for growth and innovation? That’s the hope of Alan Balutis. Balutis is seniorRead… Read more »

5 simple ways to do your job better in 2013

All year long we’ve been talking about ways you can improve your leadership skills. Find a better job. Make a difference. So we wanted to take a step back and pull out the five best pieces of advice we’ve heard this year. It’s all part of our mission to help you do your job better.Read… Read more »

Spot the Success – The DorobekINSIDER’s Most Inspiring Stories from 2012

It’s been a great year at the DorobekINSIDER. Our show launched in February and 260 guests later the show is really something we are very proud of. So, for the last week in 2012, we wanted to do something different. We wanted to take a step back and highlight some of the great interviews we’veRead… Read more »

You Clicked — See the Top DorobekINSIDER Posts

It’s been a great year at the DorobekINSIDER. Our show launched in February and 260 guests later the show is really something we are very proud of. So, for the last week in 2012, we wanted to do something different. We wanted to take a step back and highlight some of the great interviews we’veRead… Read more »

The DorobekINSIDER’s Picks for 2012

It’s been a great year at the DorobekINSIDER. Our show launched in February and 260 guests later the show is really something we are very proud of. So, for the last week in 2012, we wanted to do something different. We wanted to take a step back and highlight some of the great interviews we’veRead… Read more »