
Complete List of GSA Schedules

After you have isolated the proper GSA Schedule, you will want to view the list of Special Item Numbers (SIN’s) under that Schedule. SIN’s are the subcategories of a GSA Schedule. For example the Facilities Maintenance Schedule has a SIN for Electrician services and another for HVAC services, and so on. These sub-categories can helpRead… Read more »

What should FEMA’s role be in an emergency? Plus the DorobekINSIDER 7 Stories

On GovLoop Insights’ DorobekINSIDER: November 5th. That’s the day would-be Presidential Management Fellows can begin their applications for the prestigious program. The highly competitive and very thorough application process is incredibly hard to successfully navigate. But we here at GovLoop are here to help. Click here for the full recap. But First: What the roleRead… Read more »

Taking a Look at RFP-EZ

The Presidential Innovation Fellows team working on RFP-EZ launched a sneak preview last week. It’s a great overview of the project, why it’s needed, and what they are building. Check it out below Favorite

AFCEA Bethesda Smart Tech Symposium Interview Series: Alex Teran, PhD Candidate at UC Berkeley

AFCEA Bethesda Smart Tech Symposium Interview Series: Alex Teran, PhD Candidate at UC Berkeley On October 23, AFCEA Bethesda hosted an innovative educational symposium for government and industry participants who are or want to be on the cutting edge of smart technology and sustainability. The goals of the event were to make the business caseRead… Read more »

Show Me the Money

Ok, you’re sitting at your desk right now in XX agency. Staring at your laundry list of projects and programs you want to enact. But there’s a problem. You don’t know what funding you will have next month, next year, 5 years? The budget black hole is crippling agencies and contractors alike. That’s where TechAmericaRead… Read more »