
Can collaboration help you do your job better? — Part 1

The Labor Department’s Office of Disability Employment hosted a webcast, Policy Development Think Tank Webcast: New Strategies for Successful Collaboration, as part of the ePolicyWorks initiative. DorobekINSIDER’s Chris Dorobek hosted the panel. The panelists outlined their perspectives on the use of new and innovative open government strategies for policy developments. On the Panel: GB: GadiRead… Read more »

Urban Myths regarding GSA’s MAS Program – Part 2

This week’s blog post shines the light on another “Urban Myth” regarding the General Services Administration’s (GSA’s) Multiple Award Schedule (MAS) program. Contrary to the misperceptions of some in the procurement community, the MAS program includes effective mechanisms and ordering procedures for leveraging and competing customer agency recurring requirements. Indeed, it is surprising that someRead… Read more »

Sequestration 101 — Do you actually know how it would work?

Be honest. You have heard us all talking/worrying/complaining about the potential for sequestration since August of 2011, but do you actually know how it would work? I, for one, only had a loose understanding of the process. Todd Harrison is a senior fellow at the Center for Strategic and Budgetary Assessments. He gave Chris DorobekRead… Read more »

Sequestration’s impact at the DoD: DorobekINSIDER 7 Stories

On GovLoop Insights’ DorobekINSIDER: What would you do if you were in charge of RFP-EZ? RFP-EZ is one of the 5 Obama administration’s projects for the Presidential Innovation Fellows, and we’re going to do some real collaborating. We talked to two experts and Fellow Clay Johnson. Click here for the full recap. Our goal hereRead… Read more »

What would you do if you were in charge of RFP-EZ? Insights from our expert panel and fellow Clay Johnson!

The DorobekINSIDER has compiled a list of government and industry experts in procurement. On the panel: CJ: RFP-EZ Presidential Innovation Fellow, Clay Johnson AB: Allan Burman is President of Jefferson Solutions (Solutions), the government consulting practice of the Jefferson Consulting Group. Before joining Jefferson, Al Burman had a lengthy career in the Federal government, servingRead… Read more »

CIO Chuck Riddle Speaks About The Next Generation Desktop Environment

With the fiscal reality of today’s government, it is common to hear that agencies are increasingly being asked to do more with fewer resources. Technological innovation has increasingly been seen as one more way government can cut costs, while increasing productivity. From the White House’s Digital Government Strategy to individual agencies, such as the EqualRead… Read more »

Pay Freeze Extended, for how long? – DorobekINSIDER 7 Stories you need to know

On GovLoop Insights’ DorobekINSIDER: Can the government team up to save the Atlantic Ocean? The Menhaden? Click here for the full recap. Is a cloud on every desktop really a reality? Maybe so at the Government Printing Office. We got the inside look from CPO’s Chief Information Officer, Chuck Riddle. Click here for the fullRead… Read more »