
Reforming the Procurement System

Over the last two weeks, three events have highlighted the need for fundamental reform of procurement processes, procedures, and regulations in order to deliver a more efficient and effective procurement system. On July 11th, Joe Jordan, Administrator for Federal Procurement Policy, and Dan Tangherlini, Acting Administrator of the General Services Administrator, briefed the President’s ManagementRead… Read more »

July Legal Corner

GSA Schedule Option Extensions – A Time of Risk and Opportunity Guest Bloggers: Bill Bressette & Jeff Clayton, Baker Tilly Many contractors don’t fully understand the disclosures that form the basis for the negotiated prices on their GSA Schedule contracts, but a company’s failure to keep those disclosures current may expose it to audit riskRead… Read more »

Forget Talk of Policy: Focus on People

Since coming onboard as new Administrator of The Office of Federal Procurement Policy (OFPP), Joe Jordan has seemingly looked to policy, regulations, and guidance on tactical execution to help solve the procurement woes that are being faced by the federal government. However, it has been some time since OFPP focused on what really is theRead… Read more »

Cloud Computing Rundown: Insights from GSA’s Dave McClure and IBM’s Dan Chenok

On today’s program edition of the DorobekINSIDER Making cloud computing count. How GSA is making it a reality from agencies. Insights from GSA’s Dave McClure. Click here for the full story. The IBM Center of Business of Government has a new Executive Director. We’ll talk to Dan Chenok about his hopes for the future andRead… Read more »

Meet the new Executive Director for IBM’s Center for the Business of Government — Biggest Challenges

For the last 14 years, the IBM Center for The Business of Government has worked to bring external research and leadership perspectives to causes and potential solutions for hard problems facing the public sector. Dan Chenok has recently taken over as the executive director for the center of business of government at IBM. He replacesRead… Read more »

Volunteering Keeps You Connected

This was originally posted at All Things Sterling. Our customer varies in procurement, but it is usually the program manager who represents the end users. Unfortunately, there’s another constituent who is easy to forget: the taxpayer. We’re in cubes, on the phone and writing analyses, but it’s easy to forget that we also serve theRead… Read more »

Cloud Computing and the CIO — Insights from EPA’s Malcolm Jackson and Partial Retirements for Feds

On Today’s Edition of the DorobekINSIDER Doing more with less — open government — cloud computing: they’re only some of the challenges facing the EPA. We’ll talk to the agency’s Chief Information Officer — Malcolm Jackson. Click here for the full story. Part-time retirement is now a reality. But should you consider it? We’ll findRead… Read more »

The Changing Role of the CIO — Insights from EPA’s CIO Malcolm Jackson

Cloud computing — it is making a big difference in how agency Chief Information Officers do their jobs. The cloud means CIOs are able to be less focused on infrastructure IT and more focused on deploying new technologies in faster and cheaper ways. Malcolm Jackson is the Chief Information Officer at the EPA. He toldRead… Read more »

Oklahoma’s First CIO Speaks to Procurement and its Effect on Innovation

With even greater attention focused on government expenditures, the need to acquire services for the lowest cost is increasingly in the spotlight. Innovation in information technology, however, may be suffering as a result of the procurement process. In this interview, Alex Pettit, the current Chief Information Officer for the state of Oklahoma, discusses with ChrisRead… Read more »

A New Procurement Model And Why You Need Enterprise Architecture

A New Procurement Model And Why You Need Enterprise Architecture by cdorobek On Today’s Edition of the DorobekINSIDER We often hear about government and industry partnering. There are many challenges. And many challenges to changing government procurement to make it better. The CIO for the state of Oklahoma is trying, and he will tell youRead… Read more »