
Is the Sky Falling on Government Contractors?

In many ways, the government contractor community is in a state of uncertainly with pending budget cuts in this austere environment. When reading the news, it often feels like Henny Penny is doing all of the reporting and the outlook is very dire. But is the sky actually falling? Market Connections will be releasing thisRead… Read more »

“The Future Remains Now!”

Last week the General Services Administration (GSA) announced its Demand Based Model for the Federal Supply Schedules (FSS) program. Under the Demand Based Model GSA will close some schedules for new offers ending continuous open seasons for those schedules or for certain SINs within a schedule. GSA’s goal is to balance the number of scheduleRead… Read more »

A Free Guide: Explaining public procurement to the management committee or your Board

Dear Colleague We’ve just revised our popular Guide to Public Procurement for Elected Officials and Public Sector Managers. Thousands of copies of this Guide are being used by State and Local Government Agencies, towns and cities anduniversities across North America. We have placed a review copy of this Guide on our website where you canreadRead… Read more »

How To Manage Proposal Consultant Costs

Consultants often get the blame for high proposal costs because their fees are an obvious big-ticket item. Many business developers tell me, however, that when they tally up the proposal costs at the end of the proposal effort, it is not the consultants that blow the budget. Surprisingly, it’s the in-house employee costs that takeRead… Read more »

Q&A: Robert Derby of Sage Communications Discusses Why Agencies Like GSA Need Targeted Marketing to Save Taxpayer Dollars

As government agencies are continually under the microscope when it comes to the most effective use of taxpayer dollars, it is critical to make sure that all marketing efforts are targeted and offer the most ROI. The editorial team of FedConnects recently connected with Robert Derby, Senior Vice President, Branding and Marketing Communications at SageRead… Read more »

“The Future is Now”

In thinking about the Next Generation Schedules initiative, I am reminded of Redskins Coach George Allen’s famous quote “The future is now.” The time for the Next Generation Schedules is NOW. In responding to the budgetary challenges facing GSA’s customer agencies, the federal government will increasingly look to shared services models to leverage resources andRead… Read more »

Big data is great — BUT only when the information is accurate

Big Data — it’s the latest buzz word making its way across government. “Trends emerge and they get labeled. Provider flock to the new label, align themselves and say, ‘look we’ve always been doing this,’” says Paul Wohlleben the President of Wohlleben consulting and a former federal CIO. But what really is Big Data? WohllebenRead… Read more »

Are Government Contractors Doing Enough to Differentiate Themselves?

Without a doubt, the next 12 to 24 months will be a period where government contractors need to be even more competitive – chasing after fewer and smaller contracting opportunities. Many are already seeing this as a particularly challenging time. As the market for winning new contracts and holding on to existing ones becomes moreRead… Read more »

Director – Office of Strategic Performance Management

Arapahoe County Government, located in beautiful Littleton, Colorado is currently seeking a Director – Office of Strategic Performance Management. Serves as the Director of Strategic Performance Management Programs. Reports to the Board of County Commissioners. Accountable for assisting the Board in identifying strategies, priorities and objectives along with their execution/implementation. Provides leadership, guidance, and supportRead… Read more »