
Democratizing Softwares: Bristol City Council’s Open Source Strategy Success Story

Last week I wrote about how “What Open Source & Open Standards means to Government and citizens” in response to the open standards consultation that is currently running until the end of April 2012. This time I’m going to bring to you one of those rare but truly inspiring case studies for open source inRead… Read more »

Local Governments Across The Country Are Utilizing Public-Private Partnerships

Every year the Reason Foundation releases an Annual Privatization Report 2011 which provides a great overview of the privatization and public-private partnerships taking place in local governments across the country. Highlights include: 57 percent of city finance officers report their cities were less able to meet their financial needs in 2011 than in 2010 whileRead… Read more »

Where To Find Good Proposal Consultants?

Where do proposal consultants come from, and what are the upsides, downsides, and risks typical to different proposal consultant sources? Consultants can be subcontracted through job shop companies, brought on as part of a proposal house team, or hired directly as individuals or companies. Proposal consultants from job shops Job shops are companies that maintainRead… Read more »

Join Us – Announcing the GovLoop May Blog Series

This month GovLoop will be rolling out a blog series, exploring a challenge that we hear all the time in government – government operates in silos. This month we will be having a series of blogs and discussions centered around this topic, exploring the impact of siloed information within each one of our communities onRead… Read more »

How to get intimate at an industry conference — it’s not what your thinking…

With all the brouhaha over conferences following the GSA situation, it makes the time you spend at conferences even more important. There was a time just a few years ago when people would say that conferences were so 1990s — a relic of the past to be swallowed up by online interactions. That hasn’t provenRead… Read more »

Dallas City Council members praise initiative that seeks crime tips via web, text, phone apps

“Not many people in the 20-something, 30-something age group participate in crime watch in Dallas,” Police Chief David Brown said. “I think those age groups are concerned about crime in Dallas, but they don’t see the functionality of sitting in a meeting to communicate. I think the way they communicate all the time is throughRead… Read more »

How to recognize IDIQs and Task Order patterns and use them to your advantage

IDIQs are now one of the most used form of government procurement, and if your company is not on any of those vehicles you might be missing a significant increase in your revenue. One major difficulty with IDIQ contracts is that even if you got on the “bus” (an IDIQ vehicle) you’ll still need toRead… Read more »

Imagine going without the internet, the Interior Dept. did it, the Federal Register gets easier to use and the SBA launches new apps and e-learning

Interior Dept. Transforms IT, Federal Register gets easier to use and how the SBA is pitching in by GovLoop Insights On today’s program for Monday April 30th, 2012: Imagine going without the Internet — at all. That is what the Interior Department had to do… for years. The agency has a new IT strategy —Read… Read more »

What the Small Business Administration can do for you

Acquiring government contracts can be no easy task for small businesses. That’s where the Small Business Administration comes in. The SBA works with small businesses and federal agencies to help connect them. Christopher Dorobek spoke with Michael Chodos of the SBA on his radio show the DorobekINSIDER about what the SBA is doing for smallRead… Read more »