
Teleworking Isn’t As Easy As It Seems (How in the world do you work from anywhere?)

After a decade of working for other people, I’ve started my own business. I’m pretty excited. I’m using my skills, knowledge, abilities, and connections, and I have no one to answer to but myself. If I succeed, it’s because I worked hard. If I fail, it’s because I didn’t get the formula right. The bestRead… Read more »

Data Transparency Coalition launches with fourteen members and one mission

[Editor’s note: This update is cross-posted on the Data Transparency Coalition’s blog.] Yesterday, thirteen tech companies and one nonprofit organization launched the Data Transparency Coalition.Our ambition is to be the main private-sector voice for federal data reform. We want the government to publish its information online and use consistent data identifiers and markup languages toRead… Read more »

Just Say No to Pinkerton Detectives

If there’s one thing I love, it’s forgotten, obscure laws, regulations and policies. They’re even better when they’re in my line of work. So here’s one for you — FAR 37.109, i.e. just say no to Pinkerton Detectives. 37.109 — Services of Quasi-Military Armed Forces. Contracts with “Pinkerton Detective Agencies or similar organizations” are prohibitedRead… Read more »

Rightdoing at GSA

Today, I want to throw some kudos to one of my favorite agencies, the General Services Administration (GSA). GSA does great things for the federal government and the American people – including save taxpayer dollars. They provide services to federal agencies. But as important, they coordinate important management efforts across agencies, helping eliminate expensive duplicationRead… Read more »

The Fundamentals of Government Procurement: Part II

April’s blog posts are dedicated to the fundamental “blocking and tackling” of our procurement system. Given recent events, this week I am going to focus on the vital importance of nurturing and maintaining a highly qualified, professional acquisition workforce. I believe in the professionalism and dedication of our acquisition community and am proud to beRead… Read more »

The SEVEN Gov’t Stories you need to know…including a Prostitution Scandal with the Secret Service

Newscast for Monday April 16, 2012 by cdorobek The SEVEN stories that impact your life in YOUR GOVERNMENT COUNTDOWN: 11 secret services agents were put on administrative leave on Saturday in Colombia after they allegedly brought prostitutes back to their hotel rooms. The Defense Department says and additional five military service members were suspended forRead… Read more »

Why Morale Matters, Proving Gov’s Innovative Abilities and One Gov’t Worker Taking Nevada by Storm

Managing Morale, Government Catalyst for Innovation and Gov’t employee making a difference in Nevada by GovLoop Insights On today’s program for Monday April 16th 2012: With all that is happening out there — GSA, now the Secret Service… we’re going to talk about how the moral in your organization. How is it these days? ClearlyRead… Read more »

Government Conference Facilities?

What if the government had its own conference facilities? Arguable the military already does, if conference organizers utilize their service academy facilities. But what about civilian agencies? Check out the National Conservation Training Center in West Virginia, it’s amazing and a short drive from Washington, DC. Could that be used by other agencies? What otherRead… Read more »

Was the GSA Scandal a Political Hatchet Job? — Maybe so says one former GSA-er

Was the GSA Scandal a Political Hatchet Job? — Maybe so says one former GSA-er by GovLoop Insights Welcome to GovLoop Insights Issue of the Week with Chris Dorobek… where each week, our goal is to find an issue — a person — an idea — then helped define the past 7-days… and we workRead… Read more »