

“Responsibility” was the operative word at the Association for Procurement Technical Assistance Centers (APTAC) Spring Membership and Training Conference. The 300 PTAC counselors, staff and managers gathered to attend the conference attended numerous presentations emphasizing responsibility– responsibility to their clients, to the federal procurement process, and to the public’s dollar. Although a variety of topicsRead… Read more »

Join Our Research Study: Can Government Create Great Customer Service?

Take 5 minutes and help us, help you. Take the GovLoop Customer Service in Government Survey. Survey Link I’m conducting a research study on “Re-Imagining Customer Service in Government.” Our study hopes to understand current trends in government customer service and opportunities for improvement.The results of this survey will be used to create a GovLoopRead… Read more »

Outraged by the GSA spending scandal? Insights from a former GSA Commissioner

The DorobekINSIDER Issue of the Week: The Washington Post has declared that GSA clearly had the worst week in Washington. This week, GSA administrator Martha Johnson resigned amid allegations of excessive spending at a conference. GSA Inspector General Brian Miller issued a report detailing contracting irregularities and excessive spending after a Las Vegas conference. TheRead… Read more »

Mind Readers and The Psychology of Excess

Seeing a number of senior officials in the last year “ousted,” I find it sort of scary the risks and travails that executive leadership can entail. There are so many good, hardworking people at GSA making progress for the Government in terms of property management, contract management, fleet management, and more, that it was aRead… Read more »

Online IT Security Awareness Materials

We are looking at the possibility of developing an in-house online security awareness training program for our employees. We currently contract out with a hosted solution, however, it is pricey. I was looking around on the web, found very few online training programs that were short. I think one I found was like a 10-hourRead… Read more »

Take STOCK to the Bank?

A GovExec article published April 4th, announced a set of “new financial disclosure requirements” enacted to prevent insider trading by members of Congress and top executive branch officials. According to the STOCK Act, each Member of Congress or employee of Congress owes a duty to the Congress, the United States Government, and the citizens ofRead… Read more »

Charting the future of Tech — with Federal CIO Steven VanRoekel

Federal Chief Information Officer Steven VanRoekel kicked off the FOSE conference. He did a pretty amazing presentation, going through the history of technology. He actually pulled out an overhead projectors — yes, really. Apparently they found one in a White House closet. Then he used ASCII. Then PowerPoint. And then an iPad… to show theRead… Read more »

6 Steps To Put Your Proposal Team On The Same Page

Unless you are incredibly lucky and everyone assigned to the proposal is a great writer, you will need to do some just-in-time training to get everyone on the same page. The same goes for conceptualizing graphics. Here is how you go about quickly getting everyone on board to create a winning proposal. Step 1. AssessRead… Read more »