
New Member

Hello Everyone, I’d like to introduce myself, my organization, and interests to fellow members. Efficient construction product delivery methods (integrated project delivery/IPD), job order contracting/JOC), construction/renovation/repair/sustainability cost databases, BIM as an integrated process, cloud computing, and facility life-cycle management are my core interests. Our firm’s software and solutions support over 80% of United States AirRead… Read more »

Analysts: Fiscal 2013 Budget Will Alter IT Market

Next week’s release of President Obama’s budget for fiscal year 2013 won’t be great news for the government contracting industry, especially as we finally get to see specifics on the long-expected spending cuts. But the information technology (IT) industry has less to fear than what might be expected. In fact, there are opportunities for growthRead… Read more »

Successful Planning for your BD Strategy. Interview with Business Development Expert

Some psychological studies assert that if someone writes down an idea and its implementation, there is close to 50% probability of it becoming a reality. If the implementation is broken down into steps that are captured in writing, the probability of being down goes up to 70%. Adding a date to each step raises thisRead… Read more »

Sunlight Labs: Labs Update: February 2012

Previously in Sunlight Labs: Influence Explorer redesigned, James moved to Boston, and Capitol Words was released. So then why is Luigi cleaning out his desk? Where did Transparency Data go? Why is Ethan calling in to the morning check-in meeting? Find out on this episode of Labs Update! Goodbyes… Let’s start off with some terribleRead… Read more »

Outlook of Earned Value Management System (EVMS)

Washington is trying to cut billions and trillions of dollars out of government spending. Programs that survive these cuts and those programs yet to be awarded are expected to operate within the established budgetary ceilings. Fixed fee and fixed priced contracts are becoming more common now days. This makes me wonder how this will affectRead… Read more »

How To Create A GSA Schedule Sales Query

If you haven’t learned by reading my posts I am very adamant on performing your research before you get into handling a GSA contract. Although you can use sales queries after obtaining a GSA contract it would be best to create a query before. This is another way of making a determination if a GSARead… Read more »

Clause Logic Should Be Awesome

I’ve never heard a contract specialist say, “FARSite Clause Logic is awesome”. But they should be saying that. It has the potential to save a hundred of hour per year for each contract specialist (of which there are tens of thousands). Unfortunately, I don’t know anybody that uses it. I know I don’t use it.Read… Read more »

Sunlight Foundation: Almost 400 former House staffers registered to lobby in last two years

The revolving door is alive and well in Washington. In less than three years, at least 378 House staffers employed in personal and committee offices have left Capitol Hill to become registered lobbyists, a Sunlight Foundation analysis of House disbursement data and federal lobbying records finds. More than two in five former House staffers whoRead… Read more »

Sunlight Labs: Introducing Lapidus, an Analytics Dashboard

Lapidus is an Analytics Dashboard we developed in response to our desire to track metrics for all of our projects, whether they are web sites, APIs, mobile apps, etc. Sunlight has multiple projects that target different audiences and have different uses, but it is important for us to understand how all of these projects areRead… Read more »