Great Smoky Mountains Host Citizen Observers
Citizen science uses the power of people to capture data points that would be hard to find otherwise. At Great Smoky Mountains National Park, visitors help fill in the census of species.
Citizen science uses the power of people to capture data points that would be hard to find otherwise. At Great Smoky Mountains National Park, visitors help fill in the census of species.
Erie County child welfare workers use the cloud to keep cases from falling through the cracks. Here’s how they do it.
In Los Angeles, real-time data means homeless Angelenos can weigh in on policies that affect them.
In Fairfax County, VA, 911 dispatchers use real-time data on emergency resource to better respond to emergencies.
Even with the best tools, you need to assume that hackers will make — or already have — their way into your network. But a proactive cyber defense can help you detect, distract and defeat whatever comes your way.
Journey mapping is a simple yet powerful way to explore the experiences people have with your services and generate insights on how you can improve them.
There are three goals of data ethics: protect civil liberties, minimize risks to individuals and society, and maximize the public good.
A new technology has emerged — known as “answer engines” — that replaces the keyword search engines we know so well with natural language processing that understands what we actually mean when we ask a question.
Sharing data through a public/private research consortium allowed Chicago to provide better early childhood services. It wouldn’t have been possible without the cloud.
Metrics and data can help illustrate the value of government’s scientific research — but finding that data can be difficult.