
Using Technology to Enhance Constituent Engagement: A Guide for Government Leaders

Government leaders can enhance constituent engagement by leveraging digital platforms, AI, and data analytics to create more responsive, transparent, and efficient public services.

Are You Committing Any of These Data Viz Sins?

Data visualizations are crucial to sharing the results of quantitative work. Ideally, they should help your audience understand your findings quicker, like a power-assisted bicycle. However, most of us are not trained in data visualization best practices and it can be difficult to know what type of chart to choose.

What’s Fueling the Next Wave of Federal Innovation?

Innovation in the federal government isn’t just a trend — it’s becoming a fundamental part of how agencies operate. As technology continues to advance, federal agencies are finding new ways to be more effective, efficient, and responsive. But what’s really driving this next wave of innovation in government?

Building a Data-Driven Culture in Government 

Data is central to countless government modernization initiatives, whether it be the comprehensive overhaul of new agency data governance, feeding public-facing dashboards, or the training of an AI model. But nearly as important as data itself is the culture that surrounds it. That’s why it’s imperative for all government teams — not just IT teams… Read more »

Data-Driven Decision-Making in Government: Best Practices for a Smarter Public Sector

Embracing data-driven decision-making in government isn’t just a smart choice — it’s a strategic imperative that ensures accuracy, accountability, and transparency in public service delivery.