Free the Data!
Data reflects how people work. At GovLoop’s online training on Wednesday, two government IT experts agreed that how an agency structures its data mirrors how its people work.
Data reflects how people work. At GovLoop’s online training on Wednesday, two government IT experts agreed that how an agency structures its data mirrors how its people work.
Government’s data has the potential for tremendous, life-changing insight, successfully leveraging it means creating a culture that is open and transparent.
AI and ML can rapidly detect gaps or abnormalities on agency networks, and respond with a programmed, precautionary or reactionary action immediately.
Agencies must learn to keep up with the changing world around them while still ensuring citizens get the services that help make their lives better. But how? The answer lies in making data and business intelligence a strategic priority and a valuable asset.
This month, the Defense Logistics Agency (DLA) released a foundational data and analytics document that will direct data governance, acquisition strategies and the incorporation of emerging technologies for the military’s combat logistics branch.
While we can’t lower the cost of textbooks or help you ace your exam, we can provide some financial data transparency to the higher education space.
How does the data enable Treasury to make better decisions to better serve citizens?
What makes a community intelligent? How is it different from a smart city?
With modern solutions, state and local governments can now achieve holistic and easy-to-access insights into their spending.
Speak with Patience Ferguson, Chief Human Resources Officer for the city of Minneapolis, and you’ll get the data behind the people – lots of it.