
Esri GIS conference will spark innovation through “Immersion Summits”

Esri’s annual Federal GIS Conference (February 9-10, 2015) gives government employees the chance to take advantage of GIS as an analysis, decision-making tool. At the conference, five “Immersion Summits” will be held that dive deeper into five different categories that GIS is useful in: Economic and Community Services: Focuses on improving American lives and jobRead… Read more »

Everything You Need to Know to Build a Successful Analytics Program You Learned in Kindergarten

For several years, the Partnership for Public Service and the IBM Center for The Business of Government have partnered to have Conversations on Big Data, a series of discussions designed to broaden the perspective about quantitative analytics and share lessons learned about what worked well and what did not. As I was reviewing the transcriptsRead… Read more »

Introducing the Big Data Playbook for Government

To learn more about how your agency can excel with big data, be sure to check out our guide: The Big Data Playbook for Government.  On August 31, 1854, the London district of Soho was struck with a cholera outbreak, and by September 10, the neighborhood had reported over 500 deaths. Curious as to howRead… Read more »

A 360-Degree View of Defense Logistics

For most, the idea of logistics doesn’t reach much further than, say, planning for a dinner party. Call some people, get some groceries, and spruce up the apartment. In the world of defense logistics, however, your dinner party has now turned into the task of overseeing the manufacturing, distribution, storage, and upkeep of the productsRead… Read more »

The Way Out of the Federal Leadership and Employee Engagement Crisis? Talent Analytics

The number of questions that can be answered by analytics is virtually endless. And the answers can provide the necessary insight to help direct an agency to pay more or less attention to particular areas that can have the highest or most immediate impact. This is a much more thoughtful, insightful and accountable approach than… Read more »

Quick Tips for Defining Business Performance Metrics

During the course of working with various organizations that have deployed performance dashboards we have discovered 4 major success factors to implementing them successfully: (1) proper sponsorship and adequate resources for the project; (2) creating the right metrics and standardizing their meaning; (3) performance management dashboardsdesigning a compelling user interface and the proper technical infrastructure… Read more »

Replicating Speech With Natural Language Processing

Natural Language Processing (NLP) is helping to create software that allows improved interactions between computers and understanding human language. In short, it’s reshaping human-to-machine communications by powering speech to text services and apps like Siri, Google Talk and Cortana. To help understand the remarkable advancements of NLP and the related challenges to developing the technology,Read… Read more »

A Brief History of the Joint Information Environment

The Joint Information Environment (JIE) is an unbelievably ambitious yet necessary DoD initiative. Earlier, we shared a few statistics about the size and scale of the department’s IT shop, but here’s some additional context: DoD hosts more than 6,000 locations, supports 40 agencies and manages about 3.7 million people with cyber identity credentials. If those statisticsRead… Read more »