How AI Chatbots Are Becoming a Talking Point
Chatbots use AI to simulate human conversation, and agencies nationwide are finding them valuable for constituent and information services.
Chatbots use AI to simulate human conversation, and agencies nationwide are finding them valuable for constituent and information services.
In a recent interview, Chief Technology Officer Bob Osborn at ServiceNow explained that this interaction must become the new norm for government. He explained that rising citizen demands make it imperative that agencies pursue new solutions, including intelligent agents, to create seamless experiences for constituents.
What’s the big deal about chatbots? Check out GovLoop’s explainer video to find out!
Federal government agencies are faced with an immense amount of data, with more pouring in every second. With so much information, keeping track of it all can be extremely challenging, particularly when there are bad actors seeking to take advantage of the data overflow. AI and machine learning can help.
Reputation management is a critical component to business success the world over, so why are government agencies failing to manage their own reputation?
The terms ‘automation, ‘artificial intelligence,’ and ‘machine learning’ are hot topics in a lot of government technology conversations. These terms are often used interchangeably and sometimes incorrectly, which can be confusing. Let’s take a look at what this tech jargon means.
Government IT departments are facing the exact challenge of when, what and how to upgrade, as their applications become growingly outmoded and user experience suffers.
When the military is able to properly ingest, sort, store and analyze data about its equipment and vehicles, it can predict everything from machine failure to maintenance needs before breakdowns happen, saving effort, time, money and possibly lives.
RPA features software bots handling easy, rules-based activities that might traditionally fall into the “busy work” category.
Across the board, government agencies are looking to implement tools that can increase productivity in any way possible. Artificial Intelligence (AI) has found its way to the top of the list, with many agencies looking to incorporate it to improve the work that their staff is able to do.